
Don’t forget chaps – we must always look on the bright side of life!


We are on quite a ride. Turn up the sound. It's not over till it asks if you want to view again.

This clever piece originated in Australia. It is so well done most folks don't realize how much info he is sharing! Just click on the link below..... Photos by NASA.

Enjoy your journey!

Click here: http://dingo.care2.com/cards/flash/5409/galaxy.swf
Lol i watched that with the sound off and i was like "isn't that some monty python lyrics", i replayed it with the sound on and it was :)
Nope definately Meaning of Life, allways look on the bright side of life/death was life of brian
Shakespeare would be more entertaining if it was re-written in modern lamguage-

HAMLET- "What the hell are you?"
GHOST- "I'm your dad's ghost"
HAMLET-"What's up?"
GHOST- "I've come to tell you I wasn't kill by a snakebite, that's bull****"
HAMLET-"Yer wot?"
GHOST-"It was your bleddy uncle, he poisoned me so he could be king"
HAMLET- "The lousy mother******, i'll kill him!"
GHOST- "Good lad, that's my boy!"
Shakespeare would be more entertaining if it was re-written in modern lamguage-

HAMLET- "What the hell are you?"
GHOST- "I'm your dad's ghost"
HAMLET-"What's up?"
GHOST- "I've come to tell you I wasn't kill by a snakebite, that's bull****"
HAMLET-"Yer wot?"
GHOST-"It was your bleddy uncle, he poisoned me so he could be king"
HAMLET- "The lousy mother******, i'll kill him!"
GHOST- "Good lad, that's my boy!"

I couldn't agree more!
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