Fact Headless ghost

This article taken from a earlier posting

Quote Originally Posted by Bidermann View Post
You have seen a ghost mate , do you remember?
Well my friends I can say that I have seen a English Ghost, I never did believe there was such a thing until with my own eye's it happened...I have told the story a long time ago on the Forum so is a refresher, I wa driving home from Bristol heading towards Milton Keynes I was working just getting back driving a articulated truck, I was just going through the village called Tingewick which is in Buckinghamshire, it was just after ten at night I wasn't tired a lovely summer's night when standing on the kerb side there was this figure which was wearing a ruffled collar Elizabethan Style and no head, he was carring his head under is arm, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and just total shock, checking this out a couple of days later in the drivers mess room, John who's old mother lives in the village cofirmed that there was a ghost as I had described it and she had also seen it in the village.....And that is no joke it is True
He was in a state of shock when he came home, so it is true.
It might just have been a student dressed up with a dummy head for a prank.
I think we'd only know something was a ghost if it looked misty or if it vanished in front of our eyes
An interesting 'ghost' report I heard was when witnesses on the south coast of england were looking up at a strange ring of lights high in the summer sky which seemed to be circling and glinting.
One witness said "hey I've seen them before, 30 years ago during the Battle of Britain when Messerschmitt 110's used to form defensive circles when attacked by British fighters, we could see the sun glinting off their canopies".
Maybe it was a 'ghost formation' of 110's?

Extract from 'A Few of the Few' :Australian War Memorial Canberra 1990 p154-

"Patrolling over Tangmere the 12 Spitfires of 234 Squadron led by Australian Pat Hughes have spiralled up to 15,000 feet (4 600 m) by 1.20 p.m. Down below, on the airfield, the Hurricanes of 601 Squadron are taking off. At the controls of one is Clive Mayers.
Hughes spots two groups of German aircraft. About 50 Bf 110s are coming in over the coast while 15 others are already circling over Haslemere lower down.
As soon as the Spitfires are sighted the 110s form their usual defensive circle. Hughes attacks the leading Messerschmitt head-on. His aim is deadly. The 110 rears up and another short burst strikes its fuselage, causing it to erupt in flames.
Seconds later the Australian comes in directly behind another 110 and fires briefly twice. The heavy escort fighter crashes and blows up. Suddenly Hughes is surrounded by three Messerschmitts and he notices a fourth slipping in behind. Manoeuvring wildly he fires three sharp bursts to break them up and causes one to dive away. He pounces after it and empties the remainder of his ammunition, The 110 sinks and turns slowly towards the coast, it cannot get far because both engines are burning."
It might just have been a student dressed up with a dummy head for a prank.
I think we'd only know something was a ghost if it looked misty or if it vanished in front of our eyes

The one I saw was misty white, the there was nothing above the collar, and seeing this object under his arm it must have been it's head, as seen by other people in the village
The one I saw was misty white, there was nothing above the collar, and seeing this object under his arm it must have been it's head..

Why didn't you stop driving and go up to it and ask "What the hell are you mate?"
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