Fact....How sad is this

I have seen only first (good, cold and gloomy hard SF) and part of second (I didn't like it - just another boring horror movie)
I had a crush on Ripley in the first Alien, but she turned into a right hard-faced shaven-headed feminist bitch in the sequels and i went right off her.
The Marines sequel was entertaining but they had to obey the hollywood scriptwriter's bad tactics which spoilt it for me.
The sequel on a penal colony wasn't bad but the casting was atrocious, Brian Glover was hopelessly miscast as the Warden, and some of the other Brit actors were just plain bad. Not Charles Dance though, he stole the show but the daffy scriptwriters killed him off far too early.
The first was scary as Hell due a lot to the originality of the script. Second was most fun as the Ripley character took us for a ride -"Get away from her you bitch"! I found the third mostly boring and the lighting was so dark I could barely figure out what was going on most the time. The fourth was more in line with the second and I actually liked it a bit more when I saw it a second time. "Predator v. Aliens" was much better than I expected it to be (since it really sounds stupid) with a pretty decent storyline. The sequel was embarrassingly bad and I only watched it to the end because...well, I don't know why really.
everyone just liked the 1st one because you got to see weaver in skimpy panties and a thin t shirt :)

Book was much better than any movie, but 1st one was the best of the series just because we got to see the little alien pop out of the guys' chest..
Personally I liked Predator much better then Alien. Predatorr I was great ("time to let old painless out of the bag !") and of course Arnold !. The second one was OK, but not great.
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