Fact...More Ant Stories

All the ants in the world weigh approximately the same as all the human beings in the world.

Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television. LEWIS THOMAS (1913-93)
I heard this dialogue in a TV wildlife film about the Sth American jungles-

REPORTER (holding ant by the body to show to camera)- "Hello little fella"
NATIVE GUIDE- "Be careful, it can hurt you"
REPORTER (brushing its jaws with his finger)-"you wouldn't hurt me would you little fella?"
NATIVE GUIDE- "Watch out!"
REPORTER- "AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Get it off me!!!"


PS- I've only been bitten by an ant once in my life as a kid, it must have crawled up my pants and bit my butt , it probably pumped formic acid in there for good measure which is why I clearly remember the pain all these years later, like sitting on a red hot needle.
PS- I've only been bitten by an ant once in my life as a kid, it must have crawled up my pants and bit my butt , it was just like sitting on a red hot needle. It must have pumped formic acid in there for good measure which is why I clearly remember the pain all these years later

You were unlucky. Most species do not have formic acid. Especially the more common species in western Europe are quite innocent.

There is a species in South America which is called the Bullet Ant because its sting/bite is so extremely painful that it reminded the namegiver of being hit by a bullet !
You were unlucky. Most species do not have formic acid. Especially the more common species in western Europe are quite innocent..

Yes that's what puzzled me, I was bitten in england, not the jungle, so perhaps when I sat down the ant in my pants got squashed and bit me as a last act of defiance as if to say "f*** you Jack!", and its acid-like blood seeped into the bite.
Yes that's what puzzled me, I was bitten in england, not the jungle, so perhaps when I sat down the ant in my pants got squashed and bit me as a last act of defiance as if to say "f*** you Jack!", and its acid-like blood seeped into the bite.

Here is one of the few Westen European species with formic acid: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formica_rufa
But is hasn't large jaws or a sting. It jets the acid in the air. Some birds use it to get rid of their parasites !
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