Fact..... The Greek's..called be Topical

"The Russian people will always be grateful to the Greeks for delaying the German army long enough for winter to set in, thereby giving us the precious time we needed to prepare. We will never forget" - Joseph Stalin

"If there had not been the virtue and courage of the Greeks, we do not know what the outcome of World War II would had been"- Winston Churchill
"The Russian people will always be grateful to the Greeks for delaying the German army long enough for winter to set in, thereby giving us the precious time we needed to prepare. We will never forget" - Joseph Stalin

"If there had not been the virtue and courage of the Greeks, we do not know what the outcome of World War II would had been"- Winston Churchill

Perhaps if he was about now, Stalin, he could lend a few Bob, question is have they been careless with there financal structure
It's pretty bad when they set fire to their banks, and kill people.
Gentlemen this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is not the Greek people's problems...it is the banks and bankers that are playing with lives on many. I say hang all the bankers.
Gentlemen this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is not the Greek people's problems...it is the banks and bankers that are playing with lives on many. I say hang all the bankers.

But it's not only the bankers. It's the politicians too. It's the way they handled the crisis that has caused more problems than it's fixed. Hang the Politicians first, then the bankers.

But it's not only the bankers. It's the politicians too. It's the way they handled the crisis that has caused more problems than it's fixed. Hang the Politicians first, then the bankers.

I am with you/...lets say i get the seal skin ropes we hang them all
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