FAO Booties Opps H2HH Problem

happened to me once, I restarted it and run it as administrator, havent had any problems since...
Are you running the latest version - I think its v3.9 ?

Just reload it with the latest version if youre not running it allready - If you are just delete your H2HH folders on desktop and relaod anyway - worked for me.
Yeah latest version is Beta 1.3.9.

It doesnt work.

Neither does the non-Beta 1.1.3.

Have no idea how to rectify it.

Delete your H2HH folders from desktop (if you have yours there of course) and reload.
I had a similar problem and eventually was able to fix it by deleting all H2HH folders from desktop and re-installing H2HH. Are you sure there isnt a H2HH folder lurking somewhere still ?
I'm now having problems with dropbox and H2HH too.
The files I received are unplayable in CMBN for some unknown issue.
uninstalled dropbox, did a virus check...nothing so far, and reinstalled it...ok for now(I think)
No idea.. this is my entire conversation with GreenasJade. He was very helpful.

The log file is saved in a place that depends on your operating system.

For me it is:


You get told where this is at the top of the log window, but if you have no log
window that doesn't help :)

Another thing you can do is start h2hh.exe like this, from a dos prompt (or whatever on a Mac):

h2hh.exe reset-windows

This may help you get the log window back.

If that doesn't work, try

h2hh.exe reset-state

*But if you do try this, you will need to re-set up information about games in progress
when H2HH starts, so if you have some complicated setup (double drop box folders, or different folder names
to game names etc) you might not want to rush to try this measure.

You can use this link to send us more information


and Charles Texas Toast Reece and I will both see it. Or you can
send me an email h2hh@gregories.net

Heaps of ways to get started figuring it out, hopefully we'll be sorted soon!



How do I start it via a dos prompt in windows 7.

The programme is on my desktop. Still cant find the log file.

I run through regedit and deleted all mention of H2HH and reinstalled. Still getting the Oops message.




In Windows 7 you can get a dos prompt using windows-key-R then typing cmd (enter)

Then you need to change directory (cd) to where you have h2hh installed and type h2hh.exe

In Windows 7, the log file should be in basically the same place as I mentioned above:


... replace "mgregory" with your user name, that should be it.



Martin I did the reset state and it works a treat. Thankyou for your time.


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