After the learning I've had with MCC over the last couple of weeks I've decided to run the Sunday ops, that I organise, with a story thread. As the story unfolds everyone will be able to tell the tale through this sticky post.
We kick off on Sunday March 30th with the 1st FGM deploying to the province of Badakhohan, approximately 80km west of Zargabad in Takistan. Takistan is on the border of Iran and Pakistan, close to the Caspien sea and Eastern Europe. We will be operating from Camp Hope, which is at a small airport in the south of the region.
1st FGM is assigned to Pionierregiment 100 (PiRgt 100), a German engineer regiment deployed as part of a NATO force in the troubled area. The 1st FGM's primary role is as a protection force for the engineers based at Camp Hope, with a secondary role as a QRF for the region.
Feel free to post your pictures or video links in this post. I'll continue to post separate op details for roll call and briefings.
Good Luck.
We kick off on Sunday March 30th with the 1st FGM deploying to the province of Badakhohan, approximately 80km west of Zargabad in Takistan. Takistan is on the border of Iran and Pakistan, close to the Caspien sea and Eastern Europe. We will be operating from Camp Hope, which is at a small airport in the south of the region.
1st FGM is assigned to Pionierregiment 100 (PiRgt 100), a German engineer regiment deployed as part of a NATO force in the troubled area. The 1st FGM's primary role is as a protection force for the engineers based at Camp Hope, with a secondary role as a QRF for the region.
Feel free to post your pictures or video links in this post. I'll continue to post separate op details for roll call and briefings.
Good Luck.