FGM Group Build Competition Deadline


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ok guys.

Today is the day.

Post pics of your work in here (completed or not). The rules are pretty much as they were at the start of the competition although we may need to replace Razorboy in the judging panel if he isnt with us by midnight.

Thanks for taking part everyone.

Crusader Mk III AA "Skyraker", 7th Armoured Division, Normandy, 1944

With the Crusader doomed to obsolescence, quite a few Crusader hulls were used as a base for various AA tanks, artillery tractors and armoured recovery vehicles.

"Skyraker" is a Crusader Mk III AA tank armed with two 20mm Oerlikon cannon. In Normandy each British Armoured Division fighting in Normandy had a troop of them.

First the real tank...


Secondly my effort, begrimed in the dust of the Normandy summer.





Finally, some shots in construction...











Well it looks as though there were only 2 entrants... shame really. I dont think we will be running one of these again.

Anyways moving on to the judging. As there are only 2 entrants I feel it unfair that the judges mentioned previously me, POS and Razerboy (who has vanished) have any input and Im gonna throw this one out to the membership. As Im no longer a judge I have thrown my AT gun into the mix to save it being a straight head to head.

Im aware we have deviated from the rules but frankly with so little people crossing the line the original rules are a bit of a mockery.



Razorboy was the driving force behind our competition here and it lost momentum when he disappeared.
Incidentally he seems to have also vanished from another site where he used to post a lot (people there are asking where he is). I hope he's not ill, I dropped him a mail yesterday and will let you know if he replies.
I would have fininshed, but we are in the proccess 0f moving into a new house...I will post photos of my progress...
I'm fine with being flexible on the judging, for me it was all about taking part!
I just got this from Razorboy-

I'm good mate, just been sidetracked a bit .... I'll be back - Please bare with me.


And I sent him this reply-

Alright mate but you've just missed judgement day (June 6th) of our little FGM Scale Model Competition.
Seeing as you weren't around, Bootie had to shuffle the rules and has thrown it open to FGM members to decide the winner by poll.
The poll is still open so go cast your vote if you like
I rather like your dio Bootie, enter away as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps we should extend a couple of weeks and see if Airborne Bob and Willard can finish their builds?
All three models are great efforts, and it would be tough for an expert to judge, let alone the unitiated such as myself. For what it's worth, I like McIvan's build. There's a lot of detaling, and the build-up of the layers of paint to produce the final result gives him the edge. As has been said, with a competition like this, it's the taking part that counts. Fisher King's Panther, with its zimmermit was a real achievement too, and Bootie's AT gun with it's photo setting gave a real feeling of atmosphere. But pound for pound, I'll give my vote to McIvan by a nose.

As for other competitions like this, I don't see why one can't be run in a relaxed manner in the future. The thing about models and modellers, is they take time. I have enjoyed looking at the progress of various models. Perhaps just have themed builds where there is no set deadline.
Thanks for the comments guys. McIvan Im not gonna extend the deadline.... for the simple reason we have had 6 months, in that time me as a complete beginner was able to build one model and nearly complete the 2nd (mortar crew) you have built a plane and a tank and The Fisher King has done his half track and his Panther.

As for who I picked I went with McIvan... I too think it is excellent the way he has built up the colours. From a modelling perspective it looks great.. the plastic now looks like it is made of metal and is strong enough to stand on. I think he needs to glue down the top of the track to the wheels to give it a heavier look as it seems to be floating slightly though. The Fisher Kings Panther is amazing too especially for a beginner... the zimmerit works perfectly and the dirt on the tracks is spot on but I think overall it needs a wash on the hull and turret to blend the camo colors together a bit more. I hope this is seen as constructive criticisim. As for mine Im happy enough with it but feel it is a tad shiny and the ground work is not as good as it could have been.. its a bit flat for my liking. Anyway carrying on voting folks... the poll is open for 7 days.
I voted for FK's Panther for the simple reason it's colourful eye-candy..:)
Hear you about the tracks, that has been on the agenda for a while now...just waiting until I'm happy I've finished with the wheels once and for all.....then a quick superglue should see the tracks run along the road wheel tops.

I voted FKs Panther because of the experience level of the modeller taking on the Zimeritt...that to me was no mean feat. Drawbacks are the brown paint (wrong colour) and lack of techniques to accentuate depth; but hey all that will come. I know Bootie is no more experienced and I really like the way he posed his figures, and the shell casings are a nice touch that accentuates the realism. Yeah its shiny, but still looks great. In particular, the brick wall is superb; really, really like the way you created and painted it and the little bits of vegetation (a shrubbery!). Y'know, if I'm not careful here I'll convince myself I should have given the vote to Bootie...but in the end it was a decision based on the risk for a beginner in attempting the zimmerrit that came off. Two great pieces.
Guys all the feedback is really appreciated, It's helpful to have areas to focus-on for my next build. I think McIans comments around depth are spot on, I may have over used pigments somewhat as this was my 1st time using them. In future as I broaden my skills, I'll deploy them with more finesse.
McIvan did you hand paint the wheels? The black edging around the rims is really very neat.
It's a shame you won't be running this again.

Perhaps every 6 months or so you could get people to post the models they've completed in the past 6 months and they are put up for a poll? I think it would be a good way to showcase peoples work and an excuse for another ribbon ; )

Anyways I think you might have inspired me to get into modelling
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