FGM meeting



I posted this some time ago...and i think it's time to post it again...
What do you say...to organize something in June in Normandy?
I cant manage unfortunately....

Im all holidayed up just now. In June Im in London to see my brother before he goes to Afghanistan then Im saving cash for spending Thanksgiving in New York.

Be great if some of you guys could get together. :)
I like the idea, but unemployemnt makes such a trip impossible.
Saving for a trip to Tuscany early next year so Europe this year is out of the question. Toronto might be doable, all sepending on finances. I'm only two hours from New York and visit there frequently, perhaps we could get together for a beer some time Iron Mike. If you don't mind drinking with a Ranger, that is. Bootie, same goes for you, perhaps a small FGM gathering in NY in November.
I have some unresolved problems that will not let me out of country, thanks for being born in Quebec
Well, November would be good. Anytime would be good. This coming Macy's Thanksgiving parade, in New York, there is a good chance I will be marching in the parade with boy Scouts from around the New York City area, as part of our Centennial celebration. (No I am not a Boy Scout, I am a Boy Scout leader.)

As far as drinking with a Ranger, I go camping with a Viet era LRRP, and live next to Viet era Ranger. I think I can handle it.
As far as drinking with a Ranger, I go camping with a Viet era LRRP, and live next to Viet era Ranger. I think I can handle it.

Hooah!! I usually ride the 5 Boro bike tour in May. Don't know if I will this year but the next time I plan a trip to the city, I'll drop you a line.
Im staying at a hotel on Lexington Avenue and will be going to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade... in New York for 5 or 6 days.

If the European guys do manage to sort something out do post up here. June in Normandy would be hectic though due to the ceremonies... best to arrange it sometime outwith when rooms would be available etc.
I don't ride the five boro tour, but I know people who do. One is an assistant Scoutmaster in my troop. Former Army, a Captain I believe.
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