FGM Poll

Do you like the new FGM?

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Well it is not that we had/have much of a choice,:lol:
I vote yes now, I have noticed as I get older it is hard to except change at times.:pout:

I have also issues with the new way we do our :washing: and all the types of :pizza: , at times I want to:smash: my computer and just do things the old way.:yo:

The new site is great looking now, but one of the big factors that makes this a great place is the guys :tea:and the cyber fellowship that comes from the relationships. Even those we may not like or disagree with often. :mmph::twitch:

Bootie keep up the good work and thanks for having this place.Bless you sir and tell the little woman thanks for letting us have your time away from her. :love:
I'm new here so I can't make comparisons to what it was like before. I will say that this has quickly become the favorite gaming club that I belong to.
Thats good the reason I did this polll wasnt to stoke my ego but more to remind you that 'you' the members can offer suggestions for improvements. Just say and all will be considered. I would love an automated ladder but that is outwith my technical ability so thanks to Numbers for dealing with the manual ladder.
I would love an automated ladder but that is outwith my technical ability so thanks to Numbers for dealing with the manual ladder.

Maybe it's finally time for me to see inside vBulletin and how it works, so i could in near future make nice customized ladder...

What about external ladder, hosted here, or on my host?
It's not integrated in board, but it uses data from it (usernames, passwords).
All other data, battles, points, bonuses, etc is stored somewhere else.
It's using forums database only to confirm who is who.

For the beginning this would be much easier and faster, because in this case, i do not have to study vBulletin itself, i only have to make nice php class doing exactly the same thing. And when time come, make vBulletin plugin from it.
I'll open thread in Ladder forum, so i could make everything clearer...
I like the new FGM, and i liked the old FGM too..:)
Incidentally i've been a member of the big Armchair General forum for 5 years and sometimes post there, one guy said last week he likes my stuff, so i invited him to join FGM, but later he replied saying "no thanks" and that he'd looked at FGM but that it was "too quiet" for him.
One man's meat and all that, but personally I think AG is too noisy with everybody talking at once, every thread over there generates dozens of replies and counter-replies and it's impossible trying to wade through them all in a reasonable time without getting a headache.
By contrast, FGM is smaller, but that's its strength like a small elite military unit where you can hear yourself think.
In short, FGM is like a high quality glossy colour magazine and if it was on the news stands it'd sell like hot cakes..:)
FGM automatically attracts decent sensible regular guys because they know we've got a zero tolerance policy towards whinging sour-minded belly-achers that other sites seem happy to carry like fleas on a hound dawgs back.
We might sometimes give them a chance and let them in, but the slightest word out of place and they'll soon be out on their butts, nobody rocks the boat here..:)

I like the new FGM, and i liked the old FGM too..:)
Incidentally i've been a member of the big Armchair General forum for 5 years and sometimes post there, one guy said last week he likes my stuff, so i invited him to join FGM, but later he replied saying "no thanks" and that he'd looked at FGM but that it was "too quiet" for him.
One man's meat and all that, but personally I think AG is too noisy with everybody talking at once, every thread over there generates dozens of replies and counter-replies and it's impossible trying to wade through them all in a reasonable time without getting a headache.
By contrast, FGM is smaller, but that's its strength like a small elite military unit where you can hear yourself think.
In short, FGM is like a high quality glossy colour magazine and if it was on the news stands it'd sell like hot cakes..:)

I couldn't agree more POS. I've been a member at AG for about a year but I haven't posted in months. I love spirited yet civil debate. I found the debate there was certainly spirited but often lacked in the civility. The number of members does make the forum rather loud and unruly, although I still peruse some of the sub forums as there are fewer people and you can find some great info there.
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