[FILM] Prince of Persia


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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I went to the cinema with the wife last night and watched this.

Based on the video game it is full of sweeping visuals, fantastic swordfights, brilliant choreography and a beautiful female lead but all this doesnt make a good film. The story was rather lame which can be expected from a video game port. A few laughs along the way but nothing outstanding. I watched it and left... unlike movies in the past where when you leave the cinema there is a buzz most people just loitered out and went home... no talking about this great moment or did you see that part which you always hear people ask.

The visuals were amazing on the big screen and there was some excellent computer wizardry. Jake Gylennhal (sp) is the Prince and he comes across as a bit gormless at times with his doe eyed (for the ladies look).... I'd have preferred the lead to be a bit more hero material.

Anyway... it was ok to watch but rather unmemorable.
Changed your mind a bit from the time you just watched it on the big screen ? You seem a lot more positive the second time.
Prince of Persia is really very good film I have enjoyed it on the released date.. Jake Gyllenhaal has played very vital role in this movie. I have enjoyed this two to three times in theater. We hope that We will enjoy next series of Prince of Persia as soon as..
Sorry denzilpaul11! I can´t agree with You. It was one of the worsest movies I ever saw. And the main actor was a total miscast. They have tried to sell a pantywaist as a hardboiled hero. And his look let me waiting for the moment he would speak with the voice of Duffy Duck or such cartoons. And only they made some good visual effects is no reason for me to praise the complete movie. It´s a little bit as with Richard Burton in Iron Cross 2. He never had the charisma of Coburn who did the chief part in the first part. Burton was a miscast too. He seemed as a grandpa who should act as young man.

Greetings :)
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