First time H2H player looking for opponent


Will S


I am looking for a H2H opponenet for a PBEM battle for CMBN (CW&MG). I have built what I think is a fairly good base set of skills and really want to see how I fare vs a human. Think a smaller battle would be preferable and hope my opponent would be patient with helping me set up my system so I can make the email thing work!.

Thanks, WS
I only have CMBN with CW but if that's ok with you I'd love to play a game.
I would be happy to play you a game, if you are patched up to version 3.11. Take a look at the title screen. Down at the bottom, you should see "v3.11" and "Game Engine 3".


View attachment 11290
Hey. I do have version 3.11 installed. Only thing I don't have is the vehicle pack, but could easily add that of course.
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@Will S Sure, let's play. I'm working a long shift today, but I will PM you tomorrow and we will discuss parameters, etc. Do you have Dropbox installed?
I do not have dropbox installed. I have used dropbox for photos and stuff before, but not for games. Do you have to link it to CMBN or just have an account?
@Will S No, you don't have to link Dropbox to CMBN, you just have to have it installed on your computer. Once you get it installed, I can create a folder and invite you to share it. Once you accept, anything that either of us puts in the shared folder can be accessed by both of us. Dropbox is the standard file sharing method for CM PBEM games.

The standard, free, version of Dropbox is all you need for CM PBEM purposes.
@Will S No, you don't have to link Dropbox to CMBN, you just have to have it installed on your computer. Once you get it installed, I can create a folder and invite you to share it. Once you accept, anything that either of us puts in the shared folder can be accessed by both of us. Dropbox is the standard file sharing method for CM PBEM games.

The standard, free, version of Dropbox is all you need for CM PBEM purposes.
Got my dropbox, user name is my email, Thanks for helping get me up to speed.
I would be into a QB, or if you have a suggestion for a good scenario I'm open, just haven't gone H2H so not sure of the best scenarios to try first. Generally I'm into company size engagements with enough map space to maneuver and be interesting. I probably play better as allied, but do fine as Germans as well.
Dropbox invite sent. Let me know if you have any trouble. Turn 001 is in there. All you should have to do is copy it into your CMBN incoming e-mail folder and fire it up.

I always like to start off new battles with a song. This, IMO, is just part of the fun of playing a real opponent, as opposed to the AI. Hey, it's Tuesay!

Nice Jam. I dig it. So I got the file opened up, checking the map and making force decisions. I can't get the chat file to open, any tips?
OK, I think I made it work. Is there any way to set it up so you don't have to drag and drop everything between dropbox and CMBN folder?
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