Flames of War


Dutch Grenadier


Here my AAR.

I played against a good friend of mine. We both played with 2000 points and these were our army lists.

Compulsory Strelkovy Batalon HQ - 1x CinC Rifle, 1x 2iC Rifle, 1x Battalion Kommisar (30 pts)
Compulsory Strelkovy Company - 1x Command Rifle/MG, 14x Rifle/MG (240 pts)
- Komissar - 1x Komissar (15 pts)
- HMG - 1x HMG (25 pts)
Compulsory Strelkovy Company - 1x Command Rifle/MG, 14x Rifle/MG (240 pts) (reserve, turn 4)
- Komissar - 1x Komissar (15 pts)
- HMG - 1x HMG (25 pts)
Strelkovy Company - 1x Command Rifle/MG, 14x Rifle/MG (240 pts) (reserve, turn 5)
- Komissar - 1x Komissar (15 pts)
- SMG - 7x Replace Rifle/MG with SMG (0 pts)
Tankovy Company - 1x Command T-34/76, 5x T-34/76 (320 pts)
- Cupola - Add Cupolas to all T-34/76 or T-34/85 obr 1943 (10 pts)
Guards Heavy Assault Gun Company - 1x Command ISU-122, 2x ISU-122 (345 pts) (reserve, turn 3)
Sapper Company - 1x Command Pioneer Rifle, 10x Pioneer Rifle (185 pts) (reserve, turn 5)
Artillery Battalion - 1x Command Rifle, 1x Staff, 8x 76mm Zis-3, 4x 122mm obr 1938 (270 pts)
- Observer - 1x Observer Rifle (15 pts)
1990 Points, 7 Platoons

Compulsory Fallschirmjager Company HQ - 1x CinC SMG, 1x 2iC SMG (55 pts)
- CinC - 1x Upgrade CinC SMG to CinC SMG Panzerfaust (10 pts)
- 2iC Upgrade - 1x Upgrade 2iC SMG to 2iC SMG Panzerfaust (10 pts)
- Panzerschreck - 3x Panzerschreck (75 pts)
- Mortar - 3x 8cm GW 42 (Stummelwerfer) Mortar (75 pts)
Compulsory Fallschirmjager Platoon - 1x Command Rifle/MG, 9x Rifle/MG (250 pts)
Compulsory Fallschirmjager Platoon - 1x Command Rifle/MG, 9x Rifle/MG (250 pts) (reserve, turn 4)
Fallschirmjager Machine-gun Platoon - 1x Command SMG, 4x MG42 HMG (170 pts)
Fallschirmjager Anti-tank Platoon - 1x Command SMG, 4x 7.5cm PaK40 (230 pts)
Heavy Tank-Hunter Platoon - 1x Command Jagdpanther, 1x Jagdpanther (470 pts) (reserve, turn 3)
Fallschirmpionier Platoon - 1x Command Pioneer Rifle/MG, 3x Pioneer Rifle/MG (130 pts) (reserve, turn 5)
- Pioneer Supply Truck - 1x Pioneer Supply Truck (25 pts)
SS Motorised Artillery Battery - 1x Command SMG, 1x Staff, 2x Observer Rifle, 4x 10.5cm leFH18 (250 pts)
2000 Points, 7 Platoons

We played a "Dust up" missie. Behind each platoon you can see if it was in reserve and when it entered the battle

During my deployment I attached 2x HMG, 2x panzerschrecks and 3x 81mm mortars to a FJ platoon. I attached 2x HMG's, 1x panzerschreck to the other FJ platoon

These were the deployment zones. I started in the upper left corner.

My setup. I placed my artillery and mortars in the grainfield. You can see 1x PaK in the corner of the grainfield. In placed 2x HMG's and 3x PaK's in the wood on the objective. Under the wood you can see the rest of my FJ platoon.

My pal's setup. On the left you can see his T34 platoon. His artillery and Strelkovy platoon are scattered in the setup zone.

I had the first turn and moved my FJ in the direction of the enemy

My pal moved his T34 platoon in the direction of my FJ platoon


We are now in turn 3 where I got my Jagdpanthers out of reserve and placed them directly in front of the T34's

View from my Jagdpanthers

And their victims

And the result

My pal gets his ISU's out of reserve





AT16 vs front 9...

I make a Sturmtrooper move with my Jagdpanthers but they are flanked by the T34's.
Result: 1x Jagdpanther kaput! and the other Bailed out


My revenge is sweet. I take my second FJ platoon out of reserve and they come in range with their panzerschrecks
Resulting in some burning tanks


The ISU's are getting killed by my PaK's



My pal tries to attack my FJ platoon but get hammered by HMG and PaK fire. Killing more than half of his platoon

The burning ISU's

FJ advancing

End result. My pal needed to get home in time so we did not get to finish the battle. No one claimed any enemy objective in the end so no one won.


It was a fun battle where both players played hard vs hard!
My thanks DG.
Beautiful paint job on your figures btw.
Love the wheat fields, crops and Russian church. I took some cheap plastic jewelry, gold thing and glue it on top of the Russian church tower, it look great.
Whats this, someone place unpainted lead on field. Our home rules is unpainted figures always green morale and minus to they dice roll.
Didn't see any victory markers on the table?
My objective marker was in my wood and his is the "burning" Katoesja in his setup zone.

This is not my army Henry. It is his :)
My army is still in the making.

About the unpainted unit. This is my pal's 4th army after 2 German armies and 1 British. He just started painting his Russians and bought this SMG unit a few days ago. He wanted to test them in battle.
Thanks again DG, my apologies.
Your Pal paints very well.
Well made setting and incredible painting job! I have a Flames of War US infantry company laying around un-painted because I am lazy. Gonna buy more units when I have more time.
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