
In Florida , an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.

The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays.."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists.."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned."

You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!
Starfleet recruit-"Hey Mr. Spock, why has my phaser only got one setting called 'duh'?"
Spock-"I see from your file that you're an atheist, those are standard issue phasers for atheists"

Sign in bookshop window- "ATHEIST BIBLES FOR SALE"
An atheist goes in and leafs through one of them-"Hey all the pages are blank!"
Shop assistant-"Yup"

Dying Christians last words to his mates- "See you later"
Dying atheists last words to his mates-"Goodbye"
Good joke, Johnsy...

I presume everyone is aware it is only a made up joke by some Christian, and not something that actually happened?

MORE- http://www.everystudent.com/wires/Godreal.html
Flew, I understand, became a "deist"...one who thinks some higher power created the conditions of the universe and kickstarted life to the point where evolution could take over. He explicitly rejected the idea of the God of Bible and personal interaction with humans, nor did he believe in any afterlife.

Just goes to show the range of convictions out there is as diverse as the numbers of people on the globe.

The big problem for people trying to argue that DNA proves the existence of God is that most of our DNA is junk, left over from mutations that caused someone or something's DNA to duplicate a chromosome (a very important chance occurance that gives rise to all sorts of evolutionary possibilities as now you don't lose existing information when mutating new information...because the existing info is still there in the copy).

Evolutionary theory explains junk DNA perfectly. On the other hand, why would an intelligent designer fill our genes with useless junk? Any computer programmer who was that inept would be fired. Answer: because there wasn't one.

In fact DNA is not strictly necessary....


A relevant quote from that link would be "In fact some bacterial cells can swim, morph into new forms and even become dangerously virulent - all without initial involvement of DNA". So much for needing DNA formed to get started......as if the first life would ever have been anything like as complex as a modern cell.

Science continues to make strides in filling the gaps. There is some very interesting work going on on formation of amino acids, proteins and RNA using a broader range of environment conditions that answer criticisms of earlier work.

Consider all the things humans didn't know about the world ten thousand years ago. Of all the things we have completely figured out, from electricity to chemistry to bacteria and viruses, to atoms and smaller, none of them have turned out to be caused by supernatural involvement. It seems a pretty safe bet that as we find out more and more about the universe and our world within it, and resolve some of the still partially unanswered questions, the same will hold true.
Starfleet recruit-"Hey Mr. Spock, why has my phaser only got one setting called 'duh'?"
Spock-"I see from your file that you're an atheist, those are standard issue phasers for atheists"

Hasn't the human race transcended the shackles of religion and moved onto a higher realm of rational living in star trek?

Dying Christians last words to his mates- "See you later"
Dying atheists last words to his mates-"Goodbye"

This is why you can never win an argument with a believer. We only get proof when we die, and if you're right you get to laugh at me burning in hell for all eternity and if im right then neither of us will know because we're dead
Jonny quote- Hasn't the human race transcended the shackles of religion and moved onto a higher realm of rational living in star trek?
Nah mate-

Religion in Star Trek

An alien 'god' demands Kirk worships him but Kirk replies-"Mankind has no need of gods, we find the One quite adequate" (OST: 'Who Mourns for Adonais")

The rebels on Magna Roma, a nearly perfect "Parallel Earth", seem to worship the "sun", which Uhura discovers is actually God's "Son" Jesus. (OST: "Bread and Circuses").

In the wedding chapel on the Enterprise we can see a sort of altar and some religious symbols, among them a cross (OST: "Balance of Terror").

The computer M-5 states: "Murder is contrary to the laws of man and God" (OST: "The Ultimate Computer").

Dr. Ozaba quotes from the Bible- "In His hands are the deep places of the Earth. Psalm 95, verse 4." (OST: "The Empath").

Dr. Phlox says he has been to a Tibetan monastery and that he has attended a mass at St. Peter's Square. This is a most definite statement that religion still plays a role in the 22nd century (ENT: "Cold Front").

Spock, traveling back in time to save his own life, presents himself to his parents as a cousin making a ritual journey "to honor our gods". (TAS: "Yesteryear").

Vulcans, like many other races, believe in a spiritual place from which they as a people were born. Their name for this place is Sha Ka Ree ("Star Trek V")


Remember Jesus said:-"You're from below; I'm from above, you're of this world, I'm not of this world, I know where I came from and where I'm going, but you have no idea where I came from or where I'm going"- (John 8:23,John 8:14)
Jonny quote- Hasn't the human race transcended the shackles of religion..

What shackles mate? Christianity is all about rejecting the ways of the world and adopting a kool laidback mindset-

Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune" (Matt 11:16/17)
"Don't conform to the pattern of this world" (Rom 12:2)
"Please only God and not the world" (2 Tim 2:3/4)
"Don't love the world or the things in it" (1 John 2:15-17)
"Set your mind on things above,not on things on the earth" (Col 3:2)
"You were bought at a price,don't serve men" (1 Cor 7:23)
"A friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4)
"You died with Christ from this world, so don't keep submitting to its rules" (Col 2:20)
"You were dead when you followed the ways of the world" (Eph 2:1/2)
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Pet 1:18 )
Jesus said - "God has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners..to release the oppressed" (Luke 4:18 )

Hook onto Christianity and be lifted out of the mundane humdrum world..:)

and if you're right you get to laugh at me burning in hell for all eternity

That would not be a very Christian way to act.

BTW, you could be in heaven with me. It is not that difficult to become a Christian !
Besdies, the concept of 'hell' is VERY debatable. Apart from that we'll never get a consensus in this kind of discussion. Still, I'd like to think it bordering on the impossible that something like this planet with everything on it simply 'just happened'. And every science, no matter how far advanced, has yet failed to convince us that the4re is no god - on teh contrary: if we could actually prove God's existence in an empiric and rational way (which would be the only applicable way), He wouldn't actually BE God. Thought about that, too?
I find most religions lack any logic, and all you need is faith, that what you are being told is right. Having been brought up a christian, and from the ages of 14 to 20 wanting to do nothing except become a priest, I knew the bible and christian beliefs quite well. I found though, the more I studied, the harder it was to believe what was being said. To the point now that I have no religion, except the concept of "Mother nature, and Father time" both unstoppable. I must say that I have nothing against any religion, that includes Christians. My parents are Christians and quite nice people(they had me), and my Daughter is also christian, and a wonderful girl. But I find their beliefs flawed and with no logic. Christians believe that God has predetermined everything. Every action, every thought we have. But they also believe that God has given them free choice, the right to make their own decisions. How then, can you made a free decision if God knew of that decision at the beginning of creation. You haven't made it, God made it for you. Christians say God has planned everything, and everything has a reason, a purpose in his great plan. Can anybody tell me the reason or purpose of the second world war, or the death of 6 million Jews? What good, or what plan can justify the death of so many people? I can't see anything good to have come out of either event. To be honest, after what has happened in the last 100 years, if it was Gods plan, I wouldn't let him plan my next lunch.
I don't mean this to offend anybody or religion, and if so, I apologize. These are my views after giving Christianity a bloody good go for 20 years, and not finding the answers there. I find logic is more understandable, and you can still be a good person without having a tag. :):)
Catholic or Protestant? Because that does matter quite a lot in this case (Protestants usually being more liberal in this case). And if you have actually studied it (meaning: read scientific theological literature) you should know that predetermiantion also is a much debated concept and not as clear as some people might have you think - I dare say that a fumdamentalist view is much more inclined to hang on to the concept of 'full predetermination' rather than a liberal view. The biggest problem you have already named, which is th reason why it's still debated although most people believe in such a concept in some manner and to varying degrees.
I probably fall under that awful catch-all title of being an agnostic. I still can't make up my mind and am prone to swing between reason and faith/spirituality. Of course they can go together. As for predestination and free will, Boethius made quite a good stab at it. His idea was that God was outside time and human ideas of temporality and so he was all-seeing in his own non-temporal space. He gave us free will to allow us to make mistakes and make good judgements etc. Free will without the ability to make mistakes is not free will as we know it. Of course this is a simplificaton of the argument and there are many arguments that you could put forward against such a view, why would a divine being create a world where so many patently bad things occur?

Perhaps the creator or creative force is not as morally inclined as our own set of morals which we have created. Perhaps Kant's categorical imperitives show that we have a natural inclination to do good and allow other beings to thrive, although this may not be for trully altruistic motives. Perhaps faith in our better side is in some ways the same as faith in a good creator. I admit I cannot know, and I am at present unable to make the leap of faith as Kierkegaard would have me make to enable me to believe. Religion can be a very big force for good, but as with all human endeavours, it can also be a very big force to do evil. It would be a mistake however, to consider religion or religious texts in strictly rational terms. They are quite often meant as parables, and metaphors, which need to be interpreted correctly. And religions should be able to change as we change, as they are our interpretations of the divine, not the divine speaking directly to us. That at least is my belief.
Jonny quote- Hasn't the human race transcended the shackles of religion and moved onto a higher realm of rational living in star trek?
Nah mate-
Well thats why i said Human race, i guess thats what i get for just watching the modern star treks, i can't remember any references to a human god in those.
on teh contrary: if we could actually prove God's existence in an empiric and rational way (which would be the only applicable way), He wouldn't actually BE God.

Why? God has apparently given us the power for rational scientifical thought as well... why would an all-powerful being need to limited to be understood in "irrational" terms?
Catholic or Protestant? Because that does matter quite a lot in this case (Protestants usually being more liberal in this case).

Bought up Church of England, but educated Catholic. I've had the best of both worlds. Maybe that's why I'm so confused, but probably not.

Bought up Church of England, but educated Catholic. I've had the best of both worlds. Maybe that's why I'm so confused, but probably not.

Personally. I love th emusic from the Hillsong church in Sydney !
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