This is a simple FOG Medieval Mini Campaign for two to four players set during the Crusades.
I am using as base the game map from the Crusader Kings board game.
The system is very simple.
There are FIVE turns.
In each turn, there are available TWO Initiative Points - at start one each for the Crusader and Muslim side - which are used to launch attacks.
The Muslim side always goes first and announces their attack, then the Crusader side.
After which the battles are resolved in FOG II Medieval.
Inititiative Points are gained, retained or lost by winning or losing FOG battles or capturing regions.
The map is divided into 14 regions, each has a VALUE of between ONE and FOUR points. (white number in green circle)
These points are also used for scoring at the end. (both sides have 13 points at start)
1. A side may attack into any region for which it has control of bordering regions who's points match or exceed the target region's points.
(in the map above the Crusaders can attack HOMS or AHAMANT -- but cannot attack DAMASCUS until they control either HOMS or AHAMANT.
2. A side may not attack into a region that is already under attack.
3. A side may attack into a region from which an attack into a different region is being launched.
CRUSADERS: Crusaders (1155-1291) with optional Syrian States (1090 -1286) allies
MUSLIMS: Ayyubid Egyptians (1172 - 1250) with optional Syrian States (1090 -1286) allies
Medium Open Battle
Middle East Agricultural or Pot Luck Map
Also: see SIEGES
(from POV of Attacker)
1. Major Victory (+40% win): Captures Region -- retains Initiative Point
2. Minor Victory (+60% win): Region is placed under SIEGE
3. DRAW (battle times out) -- Region is CONTESTED - battle resumes next turn
4. Minor Defeat (+60% loss) - Attacker repulsed - retains Initiative Point
5. Major Defeat (+40% loss) - Attacker repulsed -- loses Initiative Point to other side
A region placed under Siege after an Attacker Minor Victory has a SIEGE MARKER placed on it and a 8-sided die roll decides the outcome of the Siege in the following turn during the Battle Resolution Phase.
(see Siege Table on map)
Die roll 1-5: Siege successful, region is captured and attacker retains the Initiative Point.
Die roll 6-8: Siege fails, attacker is repulsed and loses his IP point to the other side
ANTIOCH, JERUSALEM, ACRE, EDESSA AND DAMASCUS have a +1 die roll modifier on their Siege Rolls)
If a side has an Initiative Point available and a region bordering the besieged region, it may attack to try and relieve the siege.
The battle is fought as a Medium "Relieve a Siege" FOG battle. Middle East Agricultural or Pot Luck Map
Battle Results:
(from relieving attacker's POV)
1. Major Victory (+40% win): Siege is lifted - Attacker gains BOTH Initiative Points
2. Minor Victory (+60% win): Siege is lifted - Besieging side retains their Initiative Point
3. DRAW (battle times out) -- Region is CONTESTED - battle resumes next turn
4. Minor Defeat (+60% loss) - Attacker repulsed - Besieging side retains Initiative Point - Siege roll is performed as per normal after completion of battle
5. Major Defeat (+40% loss) - Attacker repulsed -- Besieged region surrenders and is captured -- Besieging side gains BOTH Initiative Points.
At the end of TURN FIVE, any outstanding SIEGE rolls are performed on regions taken under siege from the last battle results, and die roll results applied.
The region points are added up and the side a higher points score wins a Minor Victory.
If one side controls both JERUSALEM and DAMASCUS and have a higher score, they win a Major Victory.
If one side controls JERUSALEM, DAMASCUS, ANTIOCH and EDESSA, the win an Overwhelming Victory.
I think that's basically it -- main thing is to have a bit of fun and banter
I'd like to play on the Muslim side -- both sides tricky to play.
I know @Nathangun is interested.
Other players?
@Cargol @Mad Mike @chiquichops @kronenblatt @Bootie @Josey Wales ?
Happy to run more than one of these at the same time if we have interest.
Like I said -- still have the FOG Ancients Roman Civil War in the works as well -- but that's a bigger, longer affair.
I am using as base the game map from the Crusader Kings board game.
The system is very simple.
There are FIVE turns.
In each turn, there are available TWO Initiative Points - at start one each for the Crusader and Muslim side - which are used to launch attacks.
The Muslim side always goes first and announces their attack, then the Crusader side.
After which the battles are resolved in FOG II Medieval.
Inititiative Points are gained, retained or lost by winning or losing FOG battles or capturing regions.
The map is divided into 14 regions, each has a VALUE of between ONE and FOUR points. (white number in green circle)
These points are also used for scoring at the end. (both sides have 13 points at start)
1. A side may attack into any region for which it has control of bordering regions who's points match or exceed the target region's points.
(in the map above the Crusaders can attack HOMS or AHAMANT -- but cannot attack DAMASCUS until they control either HOMS or AHAMANT.
2. A side may not attack into a region that is already under attack.
3. A side may attack into a region from which an attack into a different region is being launched.
CRUSADERS: Crusaders (1155-1291) with optional Syrian States (1090 -1286) allies
MUSLIMS: Ayyubid Egyptians (1172 - 1250) with optional Syrian States (1090 -1286) allies
Medium Open Battle
Middle East Agricultural or Pot Luck Map
Also: see SIEGES
(from POV of Attacker)
1. Major Victory (+40% win): Captures Region -- retains Initiative Point
2. Minor Victory (+60% win): Region is placed under SIEGE
3. DRAW (battle times out) -- Region is CONTESTED - battle resumes next turn
4. Minor Defeat (+60% loss) - Attacker repulsed - retains Initiative Point
5. Major Defeat (+40% loss) - Attacker repulsed -- loses Initiative Point to other side
A region placed under Siege after an Attacker Minor Victory has a SIEGE MARKER placed on it and a 8-sided die roll decides the outcome of the Siege in the following turn during the Battle Resolution Phase.
(see Siege Table on map)
Die roll 1-5: Siege successful, region is captured and attacker retains the Initiative Point.
Die roll 6-8: Siege fails, attacker is repulsed and loses his IP point to the other side
ANTIOCH, JERUSALEM, ACRE, EDESSA AND DAMASCUS have a +1 die roll modifier on their Siege Rolls)
If a side has an Initiative Point available and a region bordering the besieged region, it may attack to try and relieve the siege.
The battle is fought as a Medium "Relieve a Siege" FOG battle. Middle East Agricultural or Pot Luck Map
Battle Results:
(from relieving attacker's POV)
1. Major Victory (+40% win): Siege is lifted - Attacker gains BOTH Initiative Points
2. Minor Victory (+60% win): Siege is lifted - Besieging side retains their Initiative Point
3. DRAW (battle times out) -- Region is CONTESTED - battle resumes next turn
4. Minor Defeat (+60% loss) - Attacker repulsed - Besieging side retains Initiative Point - Siege roll is performed as per normal after completion of battle
5. Major Defeat (+40% loss) - Attacker repulsed -- Besieged region surrenders and is captured -- Besieging side gains BOTH Initiative Points.
At the end of TURN FIVE, any outstanding SIEGE rolls are performed on regions taken under siege from the last battle results, and die roll results applied.
The region points are added up and the side a higher points score wins a Minor Victory.
If one side controls both JERUSALEM and DAMASCUS and have a higher score, they win a Major Victory.
If one side controls JERUSALEM, DAMASCUS, ANTIOCH and EDESSA, the win an Overwhelming Victory.
I think that's basically it -- main thing is to have a bit of fun and banter
I'd like to play on the Muslim side -- both sides tricky to play.
I know @Nathangun is interested.
Other players?
@Cargol @Mad Mike @chiquichops @kronenblatt @Bootie @Josey Wales ?
Happy to run more than one of these at the same time if we have interest.
Like I said -- still have the FOG Ancients Roman Civil War in the works as well -- but that's a bigger, longer affair.
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