For Lord Bane's Current Opponents


Lord Bane (FGM)

Once again, I am bogged down at work. Have to work again this weekend and leave town for a few days next week. Unfortunately my gaming will be heavily curtailed for the next few days, maybe week. I will do my best but ask for patience.
After working for the weekend and today, I am now packing up to leave town for the next few days. Should be back Thursday night. Thanks for your patience.
Lord Bane
Am back in town. Have to work Saturday and Half of Sunday but then things should start going back to normal. I am hoping to be caught up on ALL turns by Sunday night. Sorry for the long delays, work has picked way up and it looks to be a busy year ahead.
Lord Bane
I hope you have great success in the coming year. Remember priorities...God , family , counrty or whatever.
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