For the England fans...

How would you like to change the rules ? Like goldeneye in tennis ? Two or three opportunities each half to challenge the referee ? Only for off-sides and goals ? Or also for a suspected handsball etc ?

If electronic measures are implemented it may take a bit of the drama away...
I want a video ref! Rugby has had it for years and you can get a decision in seconds
if the ref is unsighted and can't be sure of a goal-line or offside decision, he refers it to video ref... takes about 30 seconds... works brilliantly.

But if the ref thinks he is sure, can he be made to consult the video ref ?
Rugby is a "start-stop" game, if technology is brought into football every match will be slowed down by countless challenged referee decisions.
Well rather than the ref having to ask for the video refs opinion the video ref could just tell the ref it was over the line.
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