France 1940 Diorama



Hello All,
I have been invited by your Adjutant, hope you don't mind. Looks like an up and coming site so with your permission, here is a sample of my last "completed" project; "Command Group - France, 1940".
About a year ago I purchased a PzKpfw.I Ausf.B and a Panzerbefehelswagen I on ebay. Judging by the packaging, both kits were made in the late 70's - early 80's. The figures are a mix of Dragon and Alpine built with only minor modifications.







The full build blog for this diorama can be found here:
Thank you Bootie, 40+ years of modelling failures have made me a better modeller! Hahahahaha!
Great job and yes we can all learn from good guys like you. If you have more please share.
I have seen your work before on Armchair General. This piece is stunning, like the rest of your work. I love how you incorporated the antique photos as well.

Welcome to the club and I hope to see more of your work and to tap into your vast experience in the future.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I will post some more tonight, time allowing.
Thanks again,
Wow, great black and white shots!
Especially that last one... Exceptionally realistic.
Welcome to FGM razorboy. Great work on he model and the pictures.
Thanks All! Quite the warm reception I must say! More to come.
Hey, razor, how do you make grass/ground?
I have never made dioramas, bu i always wanted to :)

I read you could make them from pencil sharpening remnants (hope you know what i mean) ...if they are small enought...
Put them in water with water collors disolved, do not mix, so thay paint unevenly, and after some time get them out dry, and do whatever you want...
Like i said, never tried it, but sounds ok...
Great stuff!

What scale is this? I've been doing 1/72 for years (although NONE of it looks this good!) and am getting ready to move onto a 1/35 panther D and t34/85 with troops(a first for people for me)
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