Frustration with Chain of Command in CMx2



I'm still learning the ins and outs of this fine game but can't seem to figure out the C2 or how it works. I'm playing a scenario right now and can't order indirect fire on an on map mortar asset because all my leaders and my FO is "out of contact" I took a few snapshots of what is going on and I hope one of you CM gurus can help me out.

First the mortar team:


Notice they have green lights for all levels of command.

Next some of the leader I have placed next to the mortar team:

First the 5th Company HQ


Then the 3rd section HQ


Notice they all have green lights

Now a picture of my FO


Out of contact!

4th Platoon HQ out of contact!


And so on and so on and so on. All leaders out of contact but everyone has a green light. I kept this set up for a few turns just thinking that they needed to get their radios all set up and whatnot. No go.


Am I missing something here?
That's why I have the 5th Co HQ there, he has the radio. I don't have a jeep or kublewagon/halftrack in this scenario. Am I out of luck then?
Thanks Nathangun I will try that and report back in this thread. I hope it works because my FO is spying on a juicy target.

Have to wonder why the mortar team section HQ does not have a radio in the first place.
If the above screenshots are the full story, then they'll be out of C2 since the HQ team is moving (or rather, the stationary ones will be in C2, but the radio chap is moving, so you're not talking to anyone).

The way it should work:

5th company, 4th Platoon Mortar team within 4 squares of 5th company, 4th Platoon Mortar HQ

4th Platoon Mortar HQ needs to have a C2 link to 5th Company HQ (so, within shouting distance in this example - another 4 squares)

The FO here looks like he's attached to the 5th Company, so the higher organisation shouldn't matter.

C2 and information sharing is vertical through the organisation chart, and horizontal between nearby units (4 squares or fewer).

That means that the mortar needs an unbroken chain of communication between unit-HQ-higher HQ-lower HQ-lower unit, or something like that.

There are apparently abstracted field telephones for off-board ordnance, but that's something else entirely.

The above might not answer your question, and I'm not entirely sure whether the Company HQ can take over from the Mortar Platoon HQ if the latter decides to wander off for a bit.
Hi Domfluff.....thanks for making my head spin. LOL

None of the HQ's were moving and all leaders were stationary for a few minutes, I did that just so all radios could work together.

I'm taking Nathangun's suggestion and just moved my mortar section HQ away to get it out of C2 range of the mortars and see if that opens up the mortars to my spotters (that I have taken the time to get to great locations but now completely useless because they can't communicate)

CMx2 has a big learning curve. I've learned a lot playing it here and over at the Blitz and this C2 thing is just another thing to learn and sort out.

Nothing like learning under fire..

I'll be back in a few days to report how it's going and maybe this post will help someone else.
It's a real bugbear of the German TOE, but the Mortar section HQ's don't have there own radios and rely on the support platoon HQ's. However I think it's reflective of how the Germans operated at a company level with the HMG sections moving forward with the front line platoons, allowing the support platoon HQ to hang back with the mortars awaiting firing orders.
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