FYI H2HH still works for CMFI



You have to make a small adjustment to get it to work.

Create a new game install name it CMFI make the installation directory this

C:\Users\"Your Name"\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy

Your usual dropbox folder... and there it is. works just fine.

Sorry if i confused people its this path before i had said to go as far as the game folder ^^^^ is the correct path.
Great. Thanks for testing this out and letting us know, Reaper28. I was surprised (but not necessarily disappointed) to see the new file structure.
LOL! I'm not sure how I managed to interpret the instructions correctly. What he means is that in H2HH you need to create a new install called CMFI and point that install to C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy. This is where the Game Files folder is located which contains the Incoming and Outgoing Files folders.
OK, I went into the H2HH Installs screen, changed the CMBN to CMFI, then added your "C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy" to the Installation directory. The Helper log then said..."No game root directory: C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy

Now what?
OK, I went into the H2HH Installs screen, changed the CMBN to CMFI, then added your "C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy" to the Installation directory. The Helper log then said..."No game root directory: C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy

Now what?
Add the folder which contains incoming and outgoing mail folders(which is different than the folder containing the mod,data,misc folders.
NM, I just kept plugging it in trying diff names until I found the correct one, as I use my Indian name and not my Anglo name....
You figured it out, fac. But, for posterity sake, "your name" should be replaced by your user name in Win7.

If you're using Win XP, your My Documents directory is located at C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy
OK, started my first PBEM game for CMFI, there is an CMFI installation in my H2HH display, but when I try and set up the DB folder (using 'edit') I get an error message when I 'browse' for the DB folder...

"I don't know your game application game: you need to yuse use Game->Edit to set it
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1075, in OnGameDropBoxDirBrowseClick
File "wx/", line 2359, in __init__
TypeError: String or Unicode type required"

OK, what am I doing wrong here?
Well I have now hosed my entire H2HH system trying to get CMFI to run in H2HH...CMBN isn't even showing on the display any longer.
Also interested in the Mac setup. I am gonna give it a go with the information here and see if I can make it work.
I have tried uninstalling H2HH and reinstalling to no avail, I have lost the function of my H2HH. I still get the display, but nothing functions...any ideas?
Fac, can you get the H2HH log window open? If so, that is often helpful in diagnosing what is wrong with H2HH. Either click Options -> Show H2H Log Window from the menu or try to start a H2HH with a session already running.

Regardless, here's what I would do:

  1. Get the latest version of H2HH and install that. It will probably not solve the problem but it won't hurt.
  2. If you don't have any tabs displayed, Add an Install for CMBN. To do this click, Installs -> Add Install and then input the Installation Directory for CMBN and your Dropbox Location. You can add separate installs for CMA, CMSF, CMFI, etc. The trick with CMFI is that the Installation Directory needs to be the Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy folder located in your My Documents folder where as the Installation Directory for all other games is likely located in your Program Files folder.
  3. If you have a tab for CMBN/CMA/CMSF/CMFI and none of the PBEM games you have going are working, then select the tab you're having a problem with and click Installs -> Edit Install and, as above, make sure your Installation Directory is pointing to the correct location and your Drop Box Location is pointint to the right folder.

    BTW, in my experience, messing with any of the tabs (i.e., Edit Install) will wipe out the settings for any games you have active. Therefore, even if you get your Install setup correctly, you'll likely need to edit the individual games as I suggest in my next step.
  4. If you're having problems with individual PBEM games being played, click on the problematic game and click Game -> Edit Game and ensure that all parameters are set correctly. I find that H2HH is fiddly and will often forget games that I have in progress.
I hope this helps. I'm kind of shooting in the dark but these are the steps that I would do to try and fix the problem.
Yes, I can access the log, but I don't always understand what it says, as it is using computerese, a language I barely recognize never mind understand. I did install the latest H2HH (1.6.2) and that is as far as I got. You are correct in that it is not finding my game locations even though I have tried to put them in several times. So I am doing something wrong when I enter the locations. This all started when I installed CMFI.
I will go back one more time and try to put the locations in yet again, failing that I will copy the error statement I get, and post it here. Thanks for the help!
OK, I got CMBN & CMFI to show on the Display (tabs)...all ongoing game info is correct. When I click on game to try to (edit DB info) input DB info using browse, things go awry...

Error message in log...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1075, in OnGameDropBoxDirBrowseClick
File "wx/", line 2359, in __init__
TypeError: String or Unicode type required
My progress with H2H is stalled. My mac installation is totally dead. Upon opening the program it immediately freezes. I need to delete it and reinstall. I don't recall where to find the program. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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