


Anyone fancy a game of either CMBN or CMMG VIA Dropbox?
I can play for fun or ladder, up to you.
I'll step up for this one. I have Market Garden and will take either side. Let me know what you would like to setup?

How about a vanilla map of market garden for fun. One that is recomended for H2H?
No vanilla is a scenario designed for H2H and CMMG
If you guys like infantry based combat, I have just finished Borderlands against Hedgehog and thought it was a great battle - I haven't played it from the allied side mind, so I don't know how balanced it is...
I've sent you a dropbox invite and kicked off 'Boy's against Men' with myself as Allied. Good luck and see you on the battlefield.

Sorry for the late reply. That map will be fine. When I said vanilla I meant with a map that comes with the game, not one that a player has made.
Anyways.....your move :)
I've sent you a dropbox invite and kicked off 'Boy's against Men' with myself as Allied. Good luck and see you on the battlefield.

I don´t want to be a pain, but did you make your move?
I am asking because some files were lost. I am waiting on file nr 11.
No rush.
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