Games Posted...




I have had a few games sitting on my ladder for some time now and not moving, so rather than letting them call to me everyday (blame my ocd). I have posted them.

The game against panzer bob I have posted since I notice he has just been struck off the list...

The games against Robslion - despite an attempt to get us rolling again had been stuck for 81 days - so I have posted those.

@Massimo we have a game sitting on 25 days now - and I have tried to contact or ask for a response - if I don't get anything shortly I will just post this one too..

Thanks again to all those players who do return their game turns regularly and consistently and apologies to any of the above for who real life has intervened in any form and stopped them from playing.

Good luck and bon chance to all opponents...
@Nathangun - cheers mate - yes the first result I posted was 156 days and like the others these were both after restarts after long gaps in any case - must admit I am tempted going forward to just pull the plug after 21 days - anything longer is probably just madness.
@Richtig As I wrote in our conversation my turn (67) was in the folder since 17/10, I had problem with dropbox in the past weeks. Don't know if there are some sort of synchronization problems.

@Nathangun I hope you have already achieve your victory from our past game, I assumed that.

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@Massimo I actually kept the Dropbox, and even now it doesn't have a turn 67 so as you say perhaps some sort of synchronisation error.

I have decided that after a run of slow return games I will no longer keep games open indefinitely, but will close and report them after 21 days without a return - I did close and report our game after 28 days but kept it open till 31 days.

I was enjoying the game, and am happy to give you another if you fancy, and think you will be around?
@Richtig That's my fault, after checking the folder time by time I thought you were somehow busy.
It's a pity because I enjoyed the game too, it became challenging when I lost all of my AT guns on the right flank.

I'm in, if you give me another try.

This evening I'll do a cleanup of the shared folder and send you a note. Then I'll wait for your setup.
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