
Nort and I are playing "Buying Battle Experience".

The question came up re the tactic of advancing HT/Scout Cars to recon and then getting accused of intentionally trying to draw AT Op Fire at the mere expensive of low cost vehicles. In so doing it exhausts Op Fire wherein ones armor can then safely advance to (try to) ravage the now vulnerable enemy armor.

Before the JTCS version I would agree the tactic would appear a little gamey and be generally frowned upon. A lot of it had to do with a very iffy op fire procedure where set op fire just wouldn't go off with any regularity. Although you can justify it as being realistic as that is certainly what recon vehicles were there to do. Of course in RL the enemy didn't usually run out of ammo after taking down a couple of HT's then being unable to fire at the following tanks.

However JTCS has, to a certain extent made that tactic a very expensive proposition, almost to the point of uselessness. I have confirmed my German HT's and Nort's Russian scout cars are 3pts each. In the original TS version they were only 1pt. Now, my losing HT's costs me as much as Nort losing Stuarts. Yep, his tanks are worth 3pts a piece as well.

So, if I try this tactic Nort gets probable kills against my lightly armored vehicles and I have to hope I get lucky against the front armor of his tanks. Hard to actually come out ahead in points there.

This subject has been beaten to death since CS first came out and this will be my only post about it here. So, go ahead and throw your HT's and Scout cars forward at me if you like. I'll be waiting (and counting the points).
As historically has been the case, it sounds to me that the players just need to decide on rules of engagement prior to starting the game. If there is not discussion prior to the game, then anything and everything is fair game. If the parties agree that there will be no soaking off of OP fire APs with HTs/Scout Cars/Jeeps/etc. prior to main battle tanks moving in on known defense armor locations, then so be it.
Some may go for hunting trucks and other unarmed transport vehicles - those can rack up quite a lot of points in bigger games and it's almost impossible to defend yall your transports if you already placed them in harm's way in the first place.

Anyway, what else would scout cars be for if not to draw OP fire and hunt down unarmored vehicles? What do you do with them in CM? :)
"Just drive down that road until you get blown up"- Patton to a recce unit commander
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