Gentlemen..Holiday time as arrived

Going anywhere nice?

It's back to Egypt, we went last year for one week and stayed in a great hotel, this year we are doing some thing my wife as always wanted to do, that is a cruise down the nile for one week, and then a relaxing week at a lovely Hotel....Seem's like I am going to spend the Kids inheritance money.....LOL

If you are thinking of going, do go fully inclusive
Sounds lovely

I haven't had a foreign holiday in years, in fact i don't even have a valid passport anymore lol
Have a great holiday Ted. I went overseas once, to New Zealand. But I don't think that counts, they're nearly a state of Australia, aren't they? :) :)
Have a great holiday Ted. I went overseas once, to New Zealand. But I don't think that counts, they're nearly a state of Australia, aren't they? :) :)

In that both aus and NZ are british colonies yes ;)
Yes, WERE British colonies, but aren't both Ireland and Scotland STILL occupied by the English. At least we could get the poms out. :)
If you ask me England is occupied by the Scots, They seem to be everywhere. What really phases me is that the Jock politicians vote in our parliament then go north and vote in theirs. They should have to make a choice Britain or Scotland.
..If you ask me England is occupied by the Scots...

Yeah England wouldn't be quite the same without jocks puking their guts up on street corners outside every pub, the irish too.
Mind you their own countries can't have been much cop or they wouldn't have come here in the first place.
Even our outgoing Prime Minister Brown was a jock, he spent years buggering up England and has now gone back to get high fives from his jock cronies.
Mind you I shouldn't be too hard on the jocks, they're a fine hospitable race; an Englishman goes to live in a remote highland cottage and the same day there's a knock at the door.
He opens it and there's a big hairy jock standing there, kilt, tam o' shanter, bagpipes, sporran, the lot.
"Och aye the noo laddie" he sez, "I'd like tae invite ye to a party at my farmhoose doon the glen tonight, there'll be lots of music and drinking and dancing and wild wild sex!"
"I say thanks awfully old man" replies the Englishman,"I'd be delighted! How many will be there?"
"Och laddie" replies the jock, "just the two of us"
Have a look and see what the Scots invented.

An abbreviated A-Z of Scottish inventions

  • Anaesthetics
  • Beta-blockers
  • Bicycles
  • Cash credit
  • Colour photography
  • Cotton-reel threads
  • Continuous electric light
  • Criminal finger-printing
  • Decimal points
  • Fax machines
  • Financial services by telephone
  • Fountain pens
  • Electro-magnetism
  • Hollow pipe drainage
  • Hypodermic syringes
  • Insulin
  • Kaleidoscopes
  • Lime cordial
  • Motor insurance
  • Noble gases
  • Paraffin
  • Postage stamps
  • Quinine
  • Radar
  • Reflecting telescopes
  • Retail banking
  • Savings banks
  • Tarmac
  • Ultrasound scanners
  • Universal standard time
  • Vacuum flasks
  • Waterproof mackintoshes
  • Wave-powered electricity generators

The world would be a very different place without their innovation.

And also remember the UK as a whole would be billions worse of if it wasnt for the Scottish oil industry.
The fact remains, any country that speaks English will always really be just an English colony (Scotland/Ireland/Wales/Canada,Oz/NZ/ S.Africa etc)
Heck, the first language spoken on the moon was English, who can forget Armstrong's immortal line- "That's a small step for man, but a giant leap into space for the English language"
Even Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, Vulcans and the Borg all speak English!

(Below)- The Yank colonists take possession of the moon on behalf of England (note the 13 red/white stripes of the 13 original English colonies in America flying proudly in the lunar breeze)

Funny how the poms still think they have an empire and we other English speaking country's are just colonies. The only colonies left would be Scotland and Ireland, the rest have been governing themselves for a long time. I know here in Australia it will be not a matter of if, but when, we become a republic, as most Aussies don't like having a pom as our figurehead of state. And it's the same with our flag, it won't be long until we get rid of the union jack out of our flag. We are one of only a couple of country's who have another country's flag in ours, and most Aussies don't like it. Yes we owe a lot to the poms, because without them we wouldn't be here. But they haven't helped us since federation in 1901.
Rhodesia used to be a British colony, but then they decided to break away and become independent. Within 5 minutes black revolutionary groups took over the country, (knowing Britain wouldn't now be sending military help) and renamed it Zimbabwe, and it's currently ruled by Mugabe whose supporters are killing white farmers.
People say "Why won't Britain help them?", but the answer is "Why should we?"
Suppose Oz broke away from Britain, then in the future a 'Pacific Hitler' arose in one of the nations to the north (Philippines maybe) who sought to unite all the countries on the eastern Pacific rim, including Australia by bloodshed and nuke weapons.
Oz would then find out just how isolated she is, all alone and independent, and Britain not raising a finger to help her, I mean why should we?
That'd be the terrible price of going independent and removing the union jack from the Oz flag..;)
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