German deployment around Ste-Mère-Eglise, June 6th 1944


FGM New Member
Mar 24, 2023
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Caen, France
Hello gentlemen,
I'm looking for reliable sources dealing with the detailed German troops deployment around Ste Mère Eglise at the time of the D-Day landing, in the area where the 82nd Airborne fought (roughly from Amfreville to Neuville-au-Plain to Franqueville to Chef-du-Pont, that's a 20 km diameter circle centered around Ste-Mère-Eglise).
It's quite easy to locate the Battalion HQ of the German units involved, but if you try to go to the company level it becomes tricky…
Any advice appreciated: website, book, anything!
1058 Grenadiere 91 Luftlande supported by a few of their inherent attached StuG. Sorry no details beyond that. MMP games has release a large ASL St. Mere Eglise campaign boardgame that will probably include the elements you are looking for.
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Hi Kandu, nice to see you back!

I know you've studied this case a lot for your scenarios around the Merderet.

My best sources for German deployment are, up to now, a post on the website that doesn't give its primary sources, and the reliable site.

According to both of them, the Gren.Regt.1058 of 91 (LL) I.D.'s main units is as follows:

Gren.Regt.1058 –
Stab – St. Cyr (4 kilometers southeast of Valognes) (14 May)
Stab I. – Le Haut Gelay (1 kilometer northwest of Montebourg)
Stab II. – La Jardinerie (5 kilometers northwest of Montebourg)
Stab III. – St. Come du Mont

Which makes the whole unit OUT of the St-Mère-Eglise immediate perimeter. Nevertheless, the same source, citing German maps, places the 14./Gren.-Regt. 1058 together with 4./Art.Regt.191 in Ste Mère-Eglise proper. That would make A LOT of MG in Ste Mère Eglise, so I guess it's only the 14.Kp Stab that was in Ste Mère Eglise.
Moreover, I'm wondering about the actual limits between 91 (LL) ID and 709. ID on the coast, as some of the counterattacking troops were indeed belonging to the 709.ID (like 795 (Ost) Bat.).

On the other side of the Merderet, this Gren.Regt.1058 OOB would make Amfreville garrisoned at no more than company level, which sounds a little surprising considering the resistance offered by the German to 82nd's Timmes and Millet troops during D-Day. Surprising, but not impossible…

You mention StuG attachment to the 91 (LL) ID? I guess you're thinking of PzJägAbt 243 (from 243. ID) ? AFAIK it was the only StuG-equipped unit in the area.

I'll have a look at the ASL stuff to see the detail level and the bibliographical references.
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Thank you for the links.
The StuG picture is indeed very well known.
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