German government broke law - again...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
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The Federal Police of Germany used french CRS policemen (Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité) in uniform to break a demonstration against the Castor Transport ("cask for storage and transport of radioactive material") in Germany. The Wendland´s police (regional police of Lower Saxony)wasn´t informed about the deployment of foreign police during the the whole mission.
There are further foreign policemen involved an witness told. They got "Policija" on their backs. So it´s likely they were Serbs. The official statement of the interior ministry is the foreigners were observers and helped only out the german police in a emergency case. I have to laugh if I see the pictures of that named "observers" (picture below) and the case of emergency (note the bored german policemen in the background).


I´ll update more information later. I´ve to work now.
You are right, Louis. And it´s against the german law to use foreign forces on german ground. But they refer to the EU-law and the cooperation of the EU-countries. And it´s furthermore against the german law to use the Bundeswehr in the inland. Only exception is in case of natural disasters and/or extrem accident. But the army has no legislation to overtake police tasks. Police is for inner things and army for the shelter against threats from the outside. All these actions have only one reason - they have to weak and moisten established law. I hate the mendacity of the politicians. And our folk is still too trustful in our fine government. The newest idea of the government ist to let the demonstrators pay money and get them arrested if they were members of a demonstration. So if You demonstrate (a citizenship) against things like Castor which threaten Your health You can cupped by the government. And not only with a little fee. So civil liberty will become a thing only for rich people. You see where it leads us - again? Right - an open dictatorship. Well, I know, in a blink there will come those people who will say I´m a fearmonger. And that is the way they hold a opinion down. It´s sad.

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