Great Britains Defence

What a farce we are going through with all these expected MOD cuts, once again like the second World War unprepared we were and the mad panic to turn out arm's, are we heading the same way, Cut's yes they are needed but don't let's try and do it in 1 year, slow down the harm that can be done by rushing these thing's are devastating.
For the record, I see at this Royal Navy website- that the RN currently (2009 figures) consists of -

3 x Carriers (Ark Royal/ Invicible/ Illustrious)
1 x Helicopter assault carrier (Ocean)
6 x Destroyers
17 x Frigates
4 x Nuclear Ballistic Missile (Trident) subs
11 x Subs (w/ cruise missiles,anti-ship missiles, torpedoes)
Plus support and patrol vessels, minehunters etc.

It's quite a respectably-sized force, so the question the politicians have been thrashing out is- "Do we really need so many vessels to protect our tiny British homeland in these post-Cold War times? And do we also need so many to protect our limited British interests around the world?"
They're also asking the same about whether we need so many planes nowadays.
Difficult questions..
Well, the other question is -- are you as British taxpayer willing to pay for all the fancy hardware -- it doesn't come cheap and in these tight economic times, something's gotta give.

True what you say about the cost to the Tax payer, and of course it is the mismanagment of the Banking world, also we have give Millions away on lost causes, in the immigration department, which I don't think I will venture into because once again it's politics, and we don't want to go there I think
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