Great quote on Patton

I just finished that book..... Good read, but I though 'Army at Dawn' was superior...

I wonder what she said about Gavin????? :rolleyes:
Wish you had put this on yesterday Gentlemen about the book,I went and bought 4 books on a gift voucher yesterday that sound's as if that might just have been the one to buy....If only thing's would run that easy Hey....:(

I was lucky enough to pick it up at a library sale for about two bucks.... I thought ' Army at Dawn' was better but Atkinson does offer some great anecdotes......

My favorite is one from the Sicilian campaign... Monty, riding in his staff car down a Sicilian road meets a truck driven by a Canadian soldier coming from the opposite direction.. The soldier is wearing a top hat he must have ' liberated' from a Sicilian.. As the two vehicles pass each other the Canuck doffs his top hat to Monty :yo: ... Monty and his staff had a good laugh but he felt compelled never the less to issue a reminder concerning proper dress in the 8th Army.....
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