Greatest waste of time and space

Why so? Do you dislike people just doing creative things for fun?
That is within your right, but why judge others? And why waste time and space on something that you think is a waste of time and space?
I personally think the biggest waste of time was the Apollo moon landings, totally useless and a waste of millions of dollars, they should have done dominoes instead..:)
Eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow your soul will be required. If this is what turns your crank have at it. For all this is vanity.
My wife thinks the time I spend on war gaming, and war gaming sites, is a waste of time and space. Like I say to her, "It's all a matter of perspective."
My wife thinks the time I spend on war gaming, and war gaming sites, is a waste of time and space. Like I say to her, "It's all a matter of perspective."

Same here mate...I tell her I have little other vises and if that is a problem...go and jump in a snow bank
I also tell her, "When it comes to my war gaming, it's a case of mind over matter, I don't mind, because you don't matter" and " Would you rather I went to the pub?":)
I try that ..."you should be glad i am not an angry alcoholic."
At least something good came of this thread - we're having a philosophical debate. :nod:
Lucky me my wife likes gaming, too - A LOT. She usually beats me as well, although I'Ve never gotten her to play CM.
Thailand. :)

Very funny. :tongue1: I guess I just was lucky. But when she routinely beats you in more or less every game you play with her (including those you're usually good at) you start to think... She'd been working in a comic and game store for some time when I first met her and thus was very open-minded. She still doesn't like CM, but she already can identify different tank types pretty well. :rockon:
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