Hello StormLynx, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN!
Good to have you with us!
Joining this community was the right decision because Combat Mission is at it's best when played against other humans
- but in our download section you will also find a lot of new scenarios to play against the AI.
Enjoy the club and become a part of our community - there are many reliable gaming partners here, plenty of stuff to
check out and good people to meet.
My good advice to all new recruits for playing H2H matches in a community:
1. Don't think too much about your opponent or the ladder - play your game as if it was against the AI.
2. Win with equanimity, lose with a smile.
3. It's a long way to the top and you will be defeated many times - accept it, learn from your mistakes and gather experience.

4. It's only a GAME.