Gurkhas in action



What a shame that the Gurka who did the chopping will probably get in trouble. How can anyone be expected to win a war when they have to worry about offending their enemies religious beliefs?? I would give the guy a medal and put the head on a pike for all Taliban sympathizers to see.
Lord Bane
But that would have offended all Afghans, not just the Taliban, ISAF will not come out of Afghanistan victorious without the support of the Afghan people.
That is ridiculous to think that it would offend all Afgans. That is just over simplistic. After all, the terrorists cut off Nick Berg's head and it didn't turn all the westerners against them now did it ;)
Lord Bane
Ok of course not ALL Afghans would be offended by it, but surely you must be aware that in a counter insurgency war the battle for public relations is just as important as the battles the soldiers fight
Yes, but the Afgans do understand that we are killing the Taliban either way. How many have been blown into little bits by 500 lbs bombs? Should we stop dropping them because it might disintergrate part of the body and offend the muslim sensibilities? I don't think you will see any protests by the muslims about it especially since they believe in cutting off heads and do it themselves. I agree that in counter insurgency you must win the hearts and minds, but you must also win the war while your at it. And maybe a little terror for the terrorists is a good thing now and then.
Lord Bane
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