Guy needs tech help



I invited a guy to join FGM, but he said-
"I can no longer play CMBB or CMAK on my PC as I am using Windows 7 and ATI Radeon card. I am still looking for a solution."

What shall I tell him?
The windows vista patch might work, but he'd have to buy it to try
Tell him to try an older version of the ATI driver. Raz at theBlitz had that work for him.
What exactly happens when he tries to start the games?
Hi POS, thank you for inviting me to FGM.

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and Ati Radeon HD 4870 1GB card. Initially I could not view any text in the game as it would show with white or light font colour. I downloaded a CMBB Ati patch to fix that and now the text is readable. However when playing the game, it really struggles, especially when I try rotating the view using the rotate buttons. The screen shakes when rotating. The game is generally slow when doing any graphics oriented action. Even clicking on a CMBB unit to see its info makes the game shake and stutter.

The game plays perfectly alright on my sister's machine that has Windows Xp Professional 32-bit and Nvidia 7600GT 256MB card. On another game(Eve Online) that I play, I have a shader issue with my Ati card if that is any hint.

Edit: I can't visit BF forum as "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" ever since I posted on my attempt to build a Multi-player Campaign Software for CMBB after it was made open source.
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