Hello from Germany


FGM New Member
Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Just a few words about me: I am from Germany, in my late fortiesm obviously very new to this forum but not a total newby when it comes to playing various Combat Mission titles. I have a certain interest in military affairs, both past and current, but I wouldn't call myself a militaty history buff or the like. Other interests of mine include aviation, reading, and I hope that I will find one day again the time to return to my scale modelling work bench.

As I mentioned above, I have some experience with Combat Mission, I own the more modern titles, Shock Force 2 and Cold War as stand alone and Black Sea on Steam. However, I never played a Multi Player Match so far and I am really curious to find out how I will fare against another player.

I hope that this serves well enough as a short invitation, but if you have questions feel free to fire away :)

Kind regards,

Big welcome back to the Club @Canard The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
Please check out the links which are there to help you


If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee member Hedgehog, who will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
Welcome @Canard I've just buyed Cold War a few days ago, always liked the T72, and although I've just played two scenarios, do not hesitate to send me a pm if you want to play a match against a noob

If you like modeling be sure to check out the "Dioramas, Scale Models & Others" thread under the Non-Military Galleries.
Very impressive work.

Ever been to Monschau?
Spent a few days there awhile back.
Pretty little town. :)
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for the nice welcome!

@Gunner, thank you for the tip about the modelling section, I sure will check it out. Never made it to Monschau (yet), but I know the larger area, both from visits and from playing the Command Ops 2 Battle of the Bulge modules :)

@Marder, thank you for your kind offer, I'll send you a pm so we can set a game up.

Kind regards,


Welcome. Please, enjoy a pint of heavy while have a look around, just don't touch the Panzerfaust, it's not a toy!
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