Hello from Serbia



Hi folks, my name is Igor, and I come from a capital of Serbia, Belgrade..

I was member of FGM from the beginning, till 2009. Bootie calls me after one good battle against him. That was some tournament on the Blitz. Then i found MOW, than MOWAS, realtime strategy game, and sadly, i forgot the best strategy game COMBAT MISSION. Now my wish is backing to the front, but in CMBN, and will be great for me, if i can be again part of this community!

Добродошао назад, пријатељу.

Welcome back, my friend.
Welcome back Igor, good to see ya around... jump right in and have some fun...
Добродошао назад, братац! Прикупљамо се полако! :)

Welcome back, mate!
Welcome back, bratac!
добродошао назад, mate (;
Thanks folks...

Хвала другари, видим има нас :)
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