Hello from the American Southwest



I am not a war gamer, so I will probably not post much. My interests are military history, and opera. I look forward to finding my way around, which I have not quite managed yet, but consider it a work in progress.
Hello Decatur Welcome to the Club Good to have you with us mate plenty going on here, Here are some Links to the site just here to help you
The Few Good Men are welcoming you!....

You will find a lot of interesting people here, who are sharing your hobby and we are proud of being far more than just a plattform for finding wargaming opponents.

We recommend you read the following threads to get an impression of what our club is about and what it might be for you as well:




If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee members Hedgehog and/or Shorker. We will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
Welcome aboard Mate. As long as you can contribute to the conversation, you'll be welcome.
Luis doesn't play either, and he's an integral member.
Hello Decatur, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN!
Good to have you with us! :)

So you are not a Combat Mission player.... - :eek: MAN, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING...!!! ;)

(Louis, you dunno either... LOL!)

Enjoy the club and become a part of our community - there are many reliable gaming partners here, plenty of stuff to
check out and good people to meet. :)
Welcome! Even if your are not playing you will get your share of Entertainment and lots of great guys to hang out in the internet :).
While I said I was not a war gamer, I did not mean to imply that I have never participated in them. I have done so, if you consider map exercises, and tactical exercises without troops to be war games. Of those I prefer those conducted on a operational level (division and above) such as Operation Jayhawk, that is or was once conducted at USCG&SC at Leavenworth. No disrespect intended but for me war is much to serious an endeavor to be thought of or played as a game for entertainment, although I must say, like chess, it stimulates the mind playing against a live thinking opponent.
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