Hello Gentlemen

Great to have you back Ted... we have had to put up with Johnsy for the last fortnight. :)

You'll have to put up with me for a fair while longer :)

LOL....He as made a pledge for my crown.....I will catch him later...LOL....He is a good ole Boy that Johnsy

No, I'm not after your crown. I thought that since I'm stuck at home and can't do much, I may as well torment you lot. Spending time here is the only thing keeping me sane, and from the wife cutting me up into little pieces, and burying me in the back yard in a shoe box. One day soon (hopefully) I'll get back to work, and you'll only hear from me once a week. Mind you I have been thinking of getting out of trucks and having a normal life. Being there to watch my daughter grow up, not missing birthdays or Christmas's, and being able to take up a weekend sport. I would also be able to keep annoying you lot. So Ted your crown is safe, I'm just here killing time till I can work again, or my wife kills me :scared:
You'll have to put up with me for a fair while longer :)

No, I'm not after your crown. I thought that since I'm stuck at home and can't do much, I may as well torment you lot. Spending time here is the only thing keeping me sane, and from the wife cutting me up into little pieces, and burying me in the back yard in a shoe box. One day soon (hopefully) I'll get back to work, and you'll only hear from me once a week. Mind you I have been thinking of getting out of trucks and having a normal life. Being there to watch my daughter grow up, not missing birthdays or Christmas's, and being able to take up a weekend sport. I would also be able to keep annoying you lot. So Ted your crown is safe, I'm just here killing time till I can work again, or my wife kills me :scared:

No sweat Johnsy You make sure you check in regular mate, are you having trouble finding work on the road at the moment, I did fancy a change a long time ago and went for a job with Cadbury's as a cake salesman, bloody awful job I soon got my truck driving boot's on again, once it is in the blood mate driving is for ever
No sweat Johnsy You make sure you check in regular mate, are you having trouble finding work on the road at the moment, I did fancy a change a long time ago and went for a job with Cadbury's as a cake salesman, bloody awful job I soon got my truck driving boot's on again, once it is in the blood mate driving is for ever

No mate, not trouble finding work, my job at McCullochs is there for me for as long as this takes. I've been crook since Christmas. 5 days in hospital and every test known to man and still no idea as to what it is. The Doctors are now talking chronic fatigue syndrome. They say I could get better next week or it could be 4 years, they don't know. Yes driving is in my blood, I think it will be extremely hard for me if I get a normal job, but I've missed so much of my daughters growing up, that I will try and grin and bear it.
..every test known to man and still no idea as to what it is. The Doctors are now talking chronic fatigue syndrome..

At least in these days of the internet we can look up medical stuff for ourselves and end up knowing more about it than the quacks, so do some research mate, then you can keep tabs on them and make sure they're on the ball..:)
E-mail me a list of your exact symptoms and i'll look them up around the net and let you know what I come up with.
I was dead on my feet for a year or two 8 years ago and thought it might be M.E. so I know what it's like to feel knackered all the time like you.
The quack ran tests and took a wild guess that it was an underactive thyroid on the blink but I'm still not sure because I've never trusted him, he's as much use as a dead dingo's donger.
He wouldn't prescribe drugs because he said it wasn't serious enough, so I've had to put up with sometimes feeling cold, sluggish and braindead like a bleddy cold-blooded reptile.
At least summer's coming and I can bask on warm rocks along the seafront.
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