Guys - some assistance if anyone can...

In a recent game, this squad went head to head with some German armour, and rattled through their store of Bazooka rounds - in a convenient lull, I managed to get them to a vehicle and reload, but perhaps in the meantime they swapped out to that great antitank weapon the rifle grenade....
Despite being still confronted by armour (and as the screen shows - I would be nervous too) they have not decide to use the dangerous bazzokerie thing... and possibly remove the very dangerous german tank thing. Instead turn after turn just passes?
Is this a lap of the gods thing? Am I just waiting for some shavetail to get his head out of his ass sort it?
Damned frustrating...

In a recent game, this squad went head to head with some German armour, and rattled through their store of Bazooka rounds - in a convenient lull, I managed to get them to a vehicle and reload, but perhaps in the meantime they swapped out to that great antitank weapon the rifle grenade....
Despite being still confronted by armour (and as the screen shows - I would be nervous too) they have not decide to use the dangerous bazzokerie thing... and possibly remove the very dangerous german tank thing. Instead turn after turn just passes?
Is this a lap of the gods thing? Am I just waiting for some shavetail to get his head out of his ass sort it?
Damned frustrating...