I've done a couple for CM and a lot for ARMA 3. I capture using FRAPS which is the easy part and I edit using Director 13. I initially used windows moviemaker which is fine but I prefer to do quite a lot of editing to capture the highlights which moviemaker is not so good at. I found it crashed a lot once I started cropping timelines on anything over 10 minutes long.
Before I started publishing I had a think about how I wanted to tell my stories. Ithikial's videos give the viewer everything, the planning, order issue etc. Other styles are more a synopsis, some with spoken commentary others with written updates through the video. There are a lot of AAR out there, in this forum and on YouTube, which I'm sure you've seen. I don't think there is a right or wrong style but I think it helps if the person making the video is concious of what style they are going to make that specific video in and how they want to tell their story.
Good luck, the more video AAR out there the better. Much more interesting than watch dancing with stars or some soap opera.