Time to test the new FGM CM Campaign System...and here's an idea how to do it.

It's October 1943 -- the Allies invade the Italian mainland, Mussolini is overthrown and Italy surrenders.

On the strategic (ficticious :smile: ) Aegean island of Heraklion, the Italian garrison switches sides and arrests the small local units of Luftwaffe flak and radar troops.

Heraklion has two good small ports at each end of the island, Kefalos and Leros, which are the main access points to the island as most of the coastline is quite rocky with no real landing beaches, plus two small fishing harbours, Platani and Kos on the south and north shores respectively. There are also three airfields on the island, which are essential to any side wishing to base aircraft for close air support on the island. The island is dominated by the central mountain spine and the major peak, Khefala -- but there are also rolling hills with large areas of pine forests and farmland on the coastal plains, with small villages dotted all over.

The British, much to the dismay of their US Allies, see this as an opportunity to gain a strategic foothold in the Aegean and prepare to send a small amphibious force to occupy Heraklion, the lack of shipping severly hampers the Allies in this regard, most of it being used for the Italian invasion.

The Germans in the meantime are not idle. A crack force of Fallschirmjaeger is assembled on the Greek mainland and every Luftwaffe plane in the area scraped together for air support. Also, a small naval force of captured Italian destroyers and various transport ships is assembled to land the follow-up forces.

As the first British advance unit, Task Force Rose lands disembarks at Kefalos, swarms of Ju-52's rumble over the island as the first wave of Fallschirmjaeger are dropped to capture several airfields and the port of Leros from the feeble Heraklion Garrison units...


From here on the struggle for control of Heraklion begins, as the limited naval and air forces on both sides try and dominate the surrounding seas and reinforcements arrive in dribs and drabs...
Sign me up for the Crack Fallschirmjaegers!
Lord Bane
I can't make the start line but let me contribute this vid-

I would take the AAA guns down to 20mm. 37mm and 40mm guns shoot down planes pretty easily.
Ohh sign me up too...anyside ....but would prefer German.....
Very good - if we get no applicants for the Allied side the germans win automatically! :cheer2:
I only noticed that calibre doesn't matter if you haven't got at least four guns on the battlefield. Best results in my case was a Normandy battle in which I had six AA guns of mixed calibre lined up at the back of the map - shot down four planes. :biggrin1:

Anyway, it seems I'll have to finish yet another mod - anyone interested in CMAK unit portraits?
See what I mean? We'll have won before the actual fighting has even started. :biggrin1:
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