Hi-Res Fractal Wallpapers - with DL link


Michael Clarke

Here's something a little different...

234.4Mb's of amazing 1920x1200 wallpapers for anyone whose interested...

Really awe-inspiring stuff I thought... These are fractal landscapes that humans were totally incapable of producing until the last few years, with the advent of the latest computer imaging technology...


The preview pics don't do justice to their sublime beauty... They are literally 6x bigger!

Neuron nebula's, elliptical electron orbitals, ecstatic crystal form, crimson chronoscope, organic galaxy, infinity epiphany...

To download, just visit this link: http://uploading.com/files/afbad5c4/HDBackgrounds.rar

It's a free upload service, just scroll down to "free download", and proceed... There's a transfer delay of 30-60 seconds...

If you want more, visit the guy's website: http://exoteric.roach.org/bg/
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