Hidden ATG in buildings

It's like placing a tank then raising the level of the terrain to make a turreted pill box.
You can just dig a tank in though?

You can, but you have to set it up in the scenario settings, then the player will be free to dig in all of his tanks.

And Hedgehog, the reason you can't move them is just that they have been locked in place, if the scenario author had left them unlocked you should have been able to move them out of the houses but would not have been able to move them back inside
panther_turret_on_emplacement_in_italy.jpgYes you can dig in a tank, but you can only represent these by doing so in the editor and playing with the terrain level.
Doing 'illegal' things like putting pillboxes/bunkers inside buildings, and guns/tanks in rubble, or aircraft flying in fog and rain is not good because neither player is expecting it because its not in the game manual.
The scen designer should at least make a note in the briefing that he's done it.
Also me and another playtester once discovered a LOS bug with a bunker in a building, as if it had upset the game coding, so I never play or playtest illegal scens any more.
And if the illegal crops up after a game has begun, I abandon the game.
It was common practice to disguise bunkers as houses so they wouldn't be spotted in reconnaissance. Like in the pic below.

I am currently playing a scenario (Bridges of Budapest) and it has the hidden pillbox in it
I've played a few games where an AT gun was hidden in a building. I know that they can't normally be placed there during a setup but obviously it can be done. How does one go about it?
I think if you go throughthte editor, during the design of the scenario, you can place guns and pillboxes in buildings
Can it be done to pre-existing scenarios where I could modify them?
Hey guys I found some old posts from February on this subject so I've moved them into this thread..:)
Actually I like it that tanks can be dug in and that pillboxes can be put into houses - gives the game another level of realism. But it'd indeed be good to know beforehand. Although one can argue that inr eality one wouldn't know eihter. After all's said and done it comes down to what kind of player you are - if you want an all-fair-no-FoW-mirrored scenario or if you want the real deal.

More important in my opinion: Does putting a pillbox into a house modify hit chances and/or cover (or protection)? Has anyone ever tested that?
..More important in my opinion: Does putting a pillbox into a house modify hit chances and/or cover (or protection)? Has anyone ever tested that?

Yes, it sometimes causes a bug that means the pillbox can shoot at tanks but the tanks can't see it to fire back.
I call them "Mickey Mouse" scenarios if the designer has done things like that, and I won't play them.
Yes, it sometimes causes a bug that means the pillbox can shoot at tanks but the tanks can't see it to fire back.
I call them "Mickey Mouse" scenarios if the designer has done things like that, and I won't play them.

Although I like inventive scenario designer and can put up with some things a non-working circumvention shouldn't be used at all. Point taken.
I would have thought that the more realism we can put into our games, the more fun. Personally, I like the idea ONCE IN A WHILE, and would like to see more scenarios with these features. Of course, the briefing should state that heavy weapons may be hidden in buildings and to take appropriate precautions.
The designer of a CMBB scen once contacted me to give it a playtest against him, and everything was going fine for a while until I was hit by an airstrike in Rain!
I asked him WTF was happening, because planes can't fly in bad weather according to the manual, and he replied "Oh, I know how to tweak things to make them fly".
So I told him it was a sneaky trick to play on people and I immediately abandoned the game.
At the very least, he should have put something in the Briefing such as "WARNING- Aircraft can fly in bad weather in this scenario", then left it to people to decide if they wanted to play a Mickey Mouse scenario like that.
Same with all other tweaks like guns and tanks in rubble, bunkers/pillboxes in buildings etc, we should be WARNED in the Briefing.
And remember, TWEAKS SOMETIMES TRIGGER BUGS, like I said in an earlier post.
Well, I'm going to see if I can tweak a scenario and put a few hidden assets in it. As a defense tactic, I feel it's a lot more real. But, obviously, it won't be planes flying in rain/fog.
The real problem is the bugs that may be triggered... Any experience on tanks in rubble? That might come in handy one day for a proper Berlin scenario (since we don't have any Pantherstellungen or the like).

But I agree that the scenario should warn the player there are "unconventional assets" in it and that the may trigger odd behaviour in a game. Don't know what the use of planes in bad weather is, though. Was that one a fictional scebario?
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