High Quality Sound mod



Always looking to tweak the mods, and I (belatedly) downloaded these mod sounds from manolito, and I must say they are awesome...

As a suggestion grab them and try a small scenario (like the patrol one in CMBn) the difference is amazing...

Big thank you to all the modders who spend so much time and effort making this game far better....


PS - for all the CMBS guys there is a mod out there for you too - I have downloaded but not had a chance to run it yet...
Thanks for the link, Richtig. I downloaded it, played a couple of turns and highly recommend it. Can't believe how much work must have been put into it.
No worries. I nearly posted a video the other day of a combat between three armoured cars, the sounds of all the pings and bangs was amazing - I do think it works best in small combats, as in the larger ones it all becomes a bit much, but having said that I did enjoy the air raid sirens in a big city battle I am playing... As you say all hail the modder - we salute you...
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