Hitler letter hoping for 'cordial relationship' with Britain for sale


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Nov 5, 2009
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Hitler letter hoping for 'cordial relationship' with Britain for sale

A letter written by Adolf Hitler in 1931 hoping for a "truly cordial relationship" between Britain and Germany in place of the present "unhappy war-psychosis" is to be sold at auction.

Hitler wrote the one-page letter, in German, to Sefton Delmer, a British journalist, 16 months before he became Chancellor and seized power in 1933.
In it, he wrote: "I hope..that out of this crisis a new readiness will grow up in Britain to submit the past 12 years to a reappraisal. I should be happy, if as a result of this, the unhappy war-psychosis could be overcome on such a scale as to permit the realisation of the truly cordial relationship between the British and the German peoples so eagerly desired by myself and my movement.

"For I believe that the crisis now breaking in on us can only be solved by the closest political collaboration of those nations who see in the re-establishment of a natural European balance of power the first precondition to dealing with those great world problems under which Britain, too, suffers today."
The letter may fetch £12,000 at a Bonhams manuscripts sale in London on March 23.
In 1933, Delmer, who was stationed in Germany, secured his greatest scoop when he walked through the burn Reichstag building at Hitler's side.
"I only want to be friends" says the spider to the fly...

£12,000 for a letter!?!
Pricey piece of parchment...
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