House-to-house fighting


Bravo Charlie

So you need to get your troops into that enemy-occupied building. You have a weapons team and a couple of squads lay on suppressive fire. Then you send in an assault team. But sometimes they still get cut to pieces as they enter.

Now I've found just using the 'quick' or 'assault' move for my assault team can lead to the above outcome. So I prefer to have my assault team 'assault move' to outside the house, then enter it using the 'hunt' move. But what I really want to have them do is throw in grenades before they enter the building.

So far, I've not come across this as an option but maybe there's another way to do this in CM?
Well, having read the CM:N manual, I've answered my own query. Essentially there's no such player command, which I guess is akin to trying to micro-manage. An infantry unit's AI and factors such as range to target and move mode will determine if grenades get thrown into a building prior to entry. It seems the best I can do is set a target arc when setting the 'hunt' command for a unit entering a building.
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