How are campaigns in RT?



Good morning,

Are campaigns pretty much the same as CM1 but with new engine? Any new goodies?

I'd like to try one if anyone would like to invest the time playing one.

Contrary to CMx1, CMx2 campaigns consist only of individual scenarios, which tactically have nothing in common with each other.
These different scenarios are kept together only by storytelling and a core force, which can reappear i the next scenario (including losses).
The CMx2 campaign system has nothing in common with trying to simulate a whole battle with all its phases like the concept in CMx1 tried to do. If you expect tactical realism of a battle being modelled, it is non existant. Attacking fortified positions or entrenched defenders? Forget it! It's always the typical scenario rushing against the time.
Which doesn't mean it can't be fun. But after having played some of the great campaigns (Kampfgruppe Engel comes to mind), the storytelling is getting a beard quickly and the lack of tactical realism has become a drag for me since.
Wow. Thank you for the responses. That is very sad to hear. I enjoyed the CM1 campaigns as a change up from the other two formats.

You would think BF would have made them better?
Well the CMRT campaigns have triggers and the German one especially is quite good, but also very large and may intimidate newish players or players less experienced with huge maps.

But possibly best CM campaign I have played thus far :)

Soviet one is also good but is more infantry based.
I still have a lot to learn about CM2 I think, I had no idea the campaign system was not like CM1.
I used to LOVE sinking my teeth into a pbem campaign through the long Canadian winters here...

Is there any work around you guys are using to play out pseudo campaigns?
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