How can...

Do you mean put screenshots of the game?

Like this?

Thank You, Mick! I had totally forgotten photobucket. :rain: Shame on me. So there is no direct way to do the pictures into the description, right?

Greetings :)
If you click "go advanced" next to the "post quick reply" button, you can add attatchments straight into the post
Thanks Jonny, but I meant the description for a scenario at the download section. So that You could see a few pictures by the way You read the description for a scenario. There I haven´t see an advanced posting. Only one is "edit post". So I think Mick´s advice was the right.

Greetings, old chap! :)
There might be more than one way, wait til Bootie gets back from choir practice to tell us..:)
Incidentally, another host is Imageshack but it's glitchy, so nowadays I only use Photobucket
Thanks Gentlemen! I used the way POS told me. It seems to work - so no further advices are needed. :) I´m glad You get so prompt answers if You need help. Thanks again, Gents! :)
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