How many guns...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
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...had a typical american/british a) destroyer, b) cruiser? And which calibre they had? Can anybody give me information about?

Greetings and Good Night, mates!
I was an Army guy, wouldn't know anything about those tin cans.
...had a typical american/british a) destroyer, b) cruiser? And which calibre they had? Can anybody give me information about?

Greetings and Good Night, mates!

In what time-period ? I suppose you mean the WW2 era: you had light cruisers and heavy cruisers. The light ones usually had 6 inch (15,2 cm) guns in ther main battery and the heavy cruisers mostly had 9 inch (20,3 cm) guns.
The number varied from 6 to 12 (usually 8), for light cruisers and 6 to 9 for heavy cruisers.
Destroyers often had 4 (10 cm) or 5 inch (12,5 cm) main guns. Although there was a German class of destroyers which had 6 inch guns.
The number of guns varied from 4 to 8.
@Bert Blitzkrieg: Wow, thank You much, comrade! Good information this is. I think for the CM-scenario I try to build up it is enough information. But for the interest - I meant WW2, that´s right. Especially summer 1943 - Operation Husky. I like to show a vessel what is supporting the landing of the allied troops. At the moment I have placed 6 Shermans 105 at the sea - to show the guns of a warship. And now I have to find a good balance for the scenario. But it seems so as I had to think about it again. The supporting fire is very strong. Perhaps a little to strong. That´s the situation. :)


@ACSpectre: Ah, thanks You told me this! :) And what means "ACSpectre"? Something of Your unit?

@Bert Blitzkrieg: Wow, thank You much, comrade! Good information this is. I think for the CM-scenario I try to build up it is enough information. But for the interest - I meant WW2, that´s right. Especially summer 1943 - Operation Husky. I like to show a vessel what is supporting the landing of the allied troops. At the moment I have placed 6 Shermans 105 at the sea - to show the guns of a warship. And now I have to find a good balance for the scenario. But it seems so as I had to think about it again. The supporting fire is very strong. Perhaps a little to strong. That´s the situation. :)


@ACSpectre: Ah, thanks You told me this! :) And what means "ACSpectre"? Something of Your unit?


I know of a CMBO scenario of an Overlord landing, where FO's were placed on a bridge tile in the middle of the ocean/sea to depict the naval support (In CMBO you could choose an 8 inch arty FO, but only in june 1944 !). I think that indirect fire is a better way to show the naval support fire then the direct fire of Sherman 105's. Direct fire is to accurate and the naval supportfire was more often off then on target. Furthermore: in theory the Shermans could be KO-ed from the shore. So, I think you should go for perhaps a number of FO's (1 FO will only have 4 tubes where a ship commonly had 8 guns) with perhaps a lesser number of rounds then the standard and maybe the scenario instruction that fire must be pre-plotted to fall at turn one.

@ACSpectre: Ah, thanks You told me this! :) And what means "ACSpectre"? Something of Your unit?


It is a Reference to the AC-130 "Spectre" gunship. A close air support gunship built onto a C-130 aircraft platform. I was a forward observer in my military years and we got to work with this aircraft often.
@Bert Blitzkrieg: Was my first thought - but a FO would react to slow and has no chance to destroy bunkers. Another Problem is that a company of GIs is sitting in boats on the open sea like ducks. On the beach a strongpoint is installed - pillboxes with HMGs, guns and AA. Nobody would survive if I would using a FO. So (with Shermans) the casualties are high but You can reach the beach. :) Gives a "real" feeling of how hard it has been to attack a secured beach.
And thanks for the link - I saved it immediately. :)

@ACSpectre: Ohhhhhh,...I´m stupid. :( This I had to know. I heard of it before.

@Bootie: Yeah, at the most scenarios with heavy gun support of a vessel it would be a fine kind to show it. But as I said before - it´s a different situation.

@all: Thanks guys, I know to appreciate Your advices.

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