Hunting Accident



This had to hurt.

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Had to be dirt in the barrel or a homemade bullet done over the specks of the gun.
I've never seen a barrel split so completely like that, except in a cartoon.
I don't think overpressurizing the gun by too hot a load would split the barrel, probably wrong calibre bullet in gun. Alot of the new magnum cartridges share the same case. Might be easy to chamber the wrong cartridge in the wrong gun and disaster. The only barrel I have seen split are shotgun barrels, usually from wadding not clearing the barrel from a previous shot. For rifles, most that I am aware of blow the end chunk right off from where the blockage occurs. Yes it could be mud in the barrel.
Robin Hood Deer... Shot him right through the barrel...
Some big black lump seems to fly out of the barrel in the slow motion right at the end
They don't sound like the most intelligent bunch of hunters.
They don't sound like the most intelligent bunch of hunters.

And the guy is wearing bright orange to let other hunters know he's not a grizzly or a deer, maybe they couldn't tell the difference if he wore green..
And the guy is wearing bright orange to let other hunters know he's not a grizzly or a deer, maybe they couldn't tell the difference if he wore green..

Unfortunately, there are enough hunters in the woods afflicted with this very condition, that every state I am aware of requires hunters to where blaze orange so their "buddies" don't accidently kill them.

One need look no further than former Vice President Dick Cheney to see evidence of some people's total lack of hunting and firearms skill.
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