Huzzar! AAR (Narsus vs Facman)



OK, first off, no peaking Facman!

This is my first AAR, so hopefully it will get better as I go. The map is immense, so I apologize for any confusion of whats going on, I am still trying to figure out the best way to simply and effectively show what is happening and my basic plans.

Its predawn, my recon elements have been tasked with scouting the objectives marked AZ1, 2 and 3. Main objectives for the game will be to take and hold Main Bridge, if this is impossible then Alternate Crossing Site needs to be taken, both I guess would be even better. I can expect my Armor to arrive in 20 mins, infantry in 25. Intel- not much, American counter attack Likely attack along main north/south road, direction unknown. For your Reference that is Train tracks running directly down center of of map.

<a href=";current=overview.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I also have my own objective, you will see it circled in yellow- Farm house 2. Along with the pumas and auto cannon half tracks I have been given a small convoy of crack and veteran recon troops in half tracks. Farm house 2 is an ideal place for not only an ambush but putting a choke-hold on the crossroads and the east side of the train tracks, and that is where I am sending these veteran troops, anything coming down the main road out of the north will have to deal with them first. I fear being ambushed getting there though, so I am borrowing 2 of my auto cannon halftracks to escort them to Farm house 2. This gives me less recon push power for my main objectives but its worth the risk.

<a href=";current=eastoftracks_01.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Convoy 1

<a href=";current=convoy1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Farmhouse 2

<a href=";current=Farmhouse2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

On the west side of the tracks I am worried about running into resistance in Farmhouse 1. If the Americans are already there then This could be trouble. I have sacrificed force of numbers on west side of river in favor of taking Farmhouse 2.

<a href=";current=westoftracks_01.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

well, thats the plan, hopefully it goes well!

sorry for the pic quality, photobucket converts my bmp to these sorry jpgs for some reason.
NP, glad someone is reading.

I am going to use the start time to refer to turns. Start of game was 0630 (I think)

0631 & 0632
The recon units are coming close to their AZ1, 2, and 3 objectives.
The convoy gets off to a slow start with the tight turns in hedgerow dirt roads.

2 Pumas pass a burned out StuG on the road on the way to the main bridge.

<a href=";current=Pumasapproachmainbridge.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Still getting down how best to lay out turns for vehicles, I tried to swing this one wide to give it a more graceful turn and it ended up like this... I hope this doesn't become a trend.

<a href=";current=tightturn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Lead convoy unit. This is why I chose this way to Farm House 2. Its is covered by large hedgerows and trees the whole way there, not likely to be ambushed or spotted. Except for the lead guy who is on hunt, I am at 'move' speed in an attempt to keep my dust trail and noise down. The sun is coming up.

<a href=";current=Goodroad.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
NP, glad someone is reading.

Still getting down how best to lay out turns for vehicles, I tried to swing this one wide to give it a more graceful turn and it ended up like this... I hope this doesn't become a trend.

I have found on turning that if you place a waypoint the actionspot before the apex of the turn, then use Move or Slow and place a waypoint on the otherside of the apex (so it looks like a 45 deg line compared to original), and then place another waypoint slow or move, on the next actionspot after the turn, then back to going straight.... I have had only one time where my unit goes looney.... Also if your in really tight bocage (looks like a tunnel) you can't go any faster then Move... and keep your waypoints, even when going straight, at a maximum of 60-100 meters.... Hope this helps....

Can't wait for the action....
Thanks Fredrocker, I will try it out.


Well, Facman came out of nowhere, like the Devil in green. There were Two actions, one at the Main bridge, one at the Secondary Crossing. Neither I can be very happy with but with this map I shouldn't be surprised, nothing but blind corners and 50 meter lines of sight.... Also, I have met with only recon unit so it seems this is a bit of a meeting, which gives me a bit of freedom, the only problem, they have a tank.

I have 2 Puma 2's with the long barrel guns. This one is following a Puma 1 to checkout Farm House 1 when a GreyHound burst out of nowhere and hits him on the nose, knocking out his gun.

<a href=";current=FlyingGreyHound.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Another Puma crossing the Main Bridge gets the drop on a GreyHound as he rounds the bend.

<a href=";current=DroponGreyHound.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Then this guy shows up... Thats a Stuart by the way (the suns coming up so the pics should be easier to read soon)

<a href=";current=thenthisguyshowsup.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

My lead halftrack in the convoy of troopers has finally unstuck himself.

<a href=";current=Unstuckhimself.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
More please !

Good to see the way other guys are playing the game!
0634 & 0635 (I think)

Things are Degenerating quickly. I have mets Stuarts everywhere and these 20 millimeter auto cannons just don't do the trick. I managed to nab one in the tail end and did some armor spalling... maybe closer range tail shots will have a better effect. 1 long barrel puma left and he is unsupported, we will see what happens.

More Stuarts show up at Alternate Crossing and finished off my 2 pumas. I have one long barrel puma left that came across the river the back way, and is hunting behind them. This terrain is just so dang close...

<a href=";current=morestuarts.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

turns out my "anti tank" infantry only have faust! I was not expecting that... the terrain is so tight it should work. The convoy is unstuck and finally on its way.

<a href=";current=Faust.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

As my recon unit comes up on AZ 2 guess what he runs into? A Stuart! (I am starting to hate these things) And it is flying across the ford, it manages to turn its turret around and pop my halftrack before he exits out of the field, Killing the guys in the back.

<a href=";current=AZ2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Exiting stuff !

Just have to say it, the game has more than enough eye-candy and is really pretty.
That is a great shot of the Sd.Kfz. in the flowers.... Those M5's are more pesky in CMBN then earlier versions... plus I have had them move really fast covering long legs of open field in a battle I am playing....I couldn't sight em let alone hit em... Also they have Cannister rounds IIRC which are deadly on Infantry... Think you should make a 'WANTED' poster with a Stuart on it!!!!
Looking at the screen shots seen the lush vegetation reminds me that my PC is puny. :(
Great AAR by the way ! :)
0636 & 0637


East side of Tracks-
My Knocked out Puma has blocked the main bridge, this does not bode well for me guys on the other side of the river, I had planned on being able to withdraw them if things got too hot, or reinforce them when my main force arrived. Now my only way across the river is through AZ 2 (there is another way, but you have to go all the way around, across alternate crossing and across a ford near Farm house 2)...

But my position is good over all, Facmans Stuart and Greyhounds are stuck on this side of the river with me and have to head back down the main road if they want to go anywhere (Thank you hedgerow) and straight into my ambush. I am setting up on this hill closer to the woods surrounding AZ 2 now as Farm house 2 has lost some of is strategic value.... I am still at a bit of a loss on what to do. If his Main forces should arrive first I could be in serious trouble.

<a href=";current=eastsideoftracks002.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Main bridge blocked. You can see Facman's Stuart trying to cross without success. This is going to complicate things...

<a href=";current=Mainbridgeblocked.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Convoy arrives, they race to get into position.

<a href=";current=Convoyarrives.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

On the west side of the Train tracks my last long barrel puma pulls round behind Facmans unsuspecting Stuarts as they go to cross the Alternate crossing. I don't think they knew what hit them.

<a href=";current=Huntingstuarts.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Now I have a choice, With Facmans Recon elements on this side of the tracks taken care of I can try to link up with my other recons units near farm house 2 by going north through alot of bocage country; head back through the south, link up with my one remaining puma and hunt down the stuart that crossed at AZ2; or lie in wait....

<a href=";current=westoftracks002.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Thanks Bootie.

Nathangun- This is Huzzar! (whatever that means)
Ok, Gotta make this quick.


the first elements of my ambush team reach their position just in time. You cannot tell from the picture but that is a moving question mark, and it is slowly getting closer. The end of the turn has it at a junction. will it enter the opening to the field, or carry on down the road. The opening to the field is exactly 30 meters away from my faust team....

<a href=";current=Here.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I have decided to play at hunting. I cannot afford to lose my last big gun so I am going the back way. hopefully I can pop up where Facman least expects me and get a Stuart or two.

<a href=";current=Pumahuntingstuarts.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
0639- AMBUSH!

What a thrilling minute. East side of tracks, Main road near Farm house 2. Its a Grey Hound, coming around the bend, he has to slow down. When he does.

<a href=";current=Ambush.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=Boom.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

The Stuart that busted up my half track at AZ 2 has doubled back. My half track on the hill puts 20 mil fire on him, I didnt read penetration but he backed up into the hedgerow.

<a href=";current=20mil.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

On the west side of the tracks I play chicken with a tanker that cant be ran over (I just pass right through him), I lose a commander because he isn't buttoned. Interestingly enough afterwards in the lower left hand section that says what the men in the unit you have selected is doing what, one of the other mens label changed to commander. A blunder on my part, Luckily the puma is still functional and the plan continues.

<a href=";current=Commanderdead.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Things are slowing down now. My Puma's are hunting on the south side of the river while my infantry begins to to Move off the hill overlooking the Main Bridge and into Farm House 2.

I believe I see at Facmans Stuart on the south side of the river head east. I wait a minute to make sure he is gone then start inching my Halftracks down the hill towards the Main Bridge, hoping to get a shot at the back end of the remaining Stuart at the Main Bridge. Big mistake, the Stuart on the south side of the river has doubled back again, coming out of the east side of the hedgerow and catching my Halftracks out in the open. My Half-tracks open fire but they might as well be throwing rocks at the Stuart for all the good they are doing.

<a href=";current=BeBeguns2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

See that question mark, thats the Grey Hound near the Main Bridge. I have inched my anti-tank team up closer to the Main Bridge hoping to get a shot at him. I am behind low hedgerow, I can wait here and get him if he decides to double back on the road (I don't think he will try it again) or try and sneak up the required 30 meters to use the faust....

<a href=";current=Stalking.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Sneaky very sneaky.... this is a great Action Report Narsus, keep up the great work...
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