I do not want to ruin the party, but .... omg ... 2.0



I read the threads and I know you guys are excited. Grats!

But ..

Since I bought CMBN-CW bundle more than a month ago ($50), I still could not finish a single game normally.

And now before anything works, BFC is asking me for another $10 into a totally unknown "patch" .... I do not know what is the best to do, man.

There is a saying that "you fool me once, you are to be blamed; you fool me twice, I only have myself to blame" ....

To pay or not to pay? That is the question .....
Bootie, buddy, is 2.0 stable? I fear that BFC is now used to release immature products to suck in money. I would wait at least a couple of days to buy. The fact that I bought CMBN very late and still could not get it work properly (it crashes all the time) shows the questionable quality of work of current BFC. With CMBB they were like perfect. But with CMBN, my expectation with them simply dropped and dropped and dropped again and again and again and again ....
Hi Idi,

I can fully understand your doubts - absolutely. I don't know why you couldn't end the other games properly - my matches with other players were going fine all the time.
I have spent many hours with CMx2 since 2011 and I had a lot of fun all the time and first class entertainment. And I met a lot very good people in between who are sharing
my hobby. :) It's great! I'm going through one of the best times of my life! :cool:

My personal opinion:

CMx2 is the best PC game of the last 1200 years - no doubt about that! ;) So I will support the makers of my favourite game and one of the last and small "turn based" game developers.
I will buy every Combat Mission game that will be released in the future and the Market Garden module will require upgrade 2.0 anyway.
CMFI is already based on 2.0 and it's performance and features are better than in CMBN 1.10 / 1.11.
10.- USD is not that much money (it equals not even the "value" of two complete packs of cigarettes). In Germany this equals EUR 7,74. The price for a glass of beer in midtown is EUR 1,80 for example.
So I drank tea this evening.... *gg! :D
Good post, shorker bud :)

$10 isn't much, my frustration is actually not exactly about the money (after I bought CMBN by game money anyway .... money I made through playing games :D ) ---- it is more about the time I wasted and of course the time of my good opponents as well.

Because of the crash earlier with barbed wire, I spent two full nights with 7 hours each to set up the games. Plus another 3 or 5 hours I spent playing around with different items to test the crash issue. And then later eventually we (me and Cargol) got the game going, then good BFC released this 1.11. Crash again! I spent most of my last night into digging how to make this thing not to crash again. (otherwise I will have to redo my setup again anyway, another 7 hour or so...). And now another game I am playing with M-M is crashing too. As a matter of fact, I still do not know whether after last night's effort, whether I solved that crashing problem with 1.11 or not. And now 2.0 is out! To be honest, I am scared. Really scared. 30 hours+ spent along 1 month+ time, I still can't play a meaningful game yet -----

Well, it could be just me ---- I do not know, but I followed everything carefully as long as I know. But new problems just keep jumping out. With all these crashings, and with due respect, I do not think it is proper to release a commercial product like that.

But your words, together with Fredrocker's words below, I feel after a while, I might be able to pick up my hope on BFC again ---- I think I will buy this upgrade eventually, but I just want to hold off a couple of days to make sure the feedbacks are gathered.
idiot94 I agree on some of your points but the bottom line is if you want to play you are going to have to upgrade. Whether it is worth it or not is a moot point. Let's not make this a BF'ing thread where some jump on the wagon with all the praise and glory and others blast them as money mongers. Simply state what you like and maybe it will help idiot94 and others say "Oh shit! That is cool. Hell, I will give them my 10 bones for that".

Am I going to jump on this pro-BF band wagon? Nope! But I will keep buying their products and "upgrades" to support the cause. Got no choice as I like the game and love hanging out here.

All the added options: moveable wayponts, grouping, uniforms, etc... are cool but I really do not use or need them. One thing that I am interested in trying out is the 'pausable' real time mode. You can agree with your opponent to pause every minute or two and issue orders and then proceed. Sort of like the old ass games. If I understand it right. A small tourney implementing and trying this out would be cool. Scenarios would have to be pretty small and time zones would become an issue but it is doable. We used to do them over at Tournamenthouse.com with Close Combat 2 games. Hint. Hint. Fredrocker - master blaster of scenarios.
eniced: good points and I agree. I love this game too (well, not this one, but CMBB to be precise). The model and the implementation of CMBB is of no match. And I am willing to believe that they will eventually make CMBN right too. That is why I said I will eventually buy it anyway ----- the bottomline is, as you put it, I want to play this game. So there are things I have to live with :) .... But waiting for a bit won't hurt, there are chances that 2.0 won't work at all after a few more trials by users and then everyone retreat back to 1.11 or even 1.10 to play while waiting for their new patches. In that case, I would simply save myself probably another 10 hours or so.
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